Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On


Oh lord help me… I always forget something! Junior League of Macon’s Touch a Truck is this weekend as well. This is ALWAYS a super fun event. Then also A Gathering in the Garden at the Cannonball House… HOW am I going to do it all this weekend?!


What’s going on this weekend? Jesus Lawd what ISN’T going on?

Let’s make a list:

Fired Works Preview Party


Soapbox Derby

Caroline Aiken at The 567

Copper into Steel at Roasted

Is it possible to be tired from the weekend ahead when it’s only Wednesday? Cause I’m feeling a tad overwhelmed already. And for me personally, I managed to book a last minute photo shoot for Saturday morning with one of the groups playing for Bearstock (shhhhh it’s a surprise- so I’m not gonna tell). So be on the lookout for my #TheMuseProject #2 with _____.

Oh, and there’s the fact that I have to eat, too. I’m writing for the Telegraph’s Dining Guide now and I have to pump out three articles this weekend. Pheeeeew. Oh and a paper due Monday. And work. And… and… and…

And yes, I’m typing this from class as is. Queen of Multitasking? Check “yes” please! Oh and I have an event for my sorority on Sunday.

So, here’s what I’m thinking…. Friday. Step One. Oh crap no wait- Thursday, actually. Civic Jamfest at Macon State College- go and hear some of those running for local office!!! Consider it your civic (get it?) duty.  Now. Friday. Revisited. I’m going to have to eat, and it’s going to be one of the places I’m writing about… I won’t give it away! Then, it’ll either be the Fired Works Preview Party or Caroline Aiken. I think the Preview Party, cause there will be some very good food. Then Caroline Aiken at 567. THEN over to Roasted to listen to Copper into Steel.  They don’t start til 10 according to Facebook so I think I’ll be good. Then it’s off to bed early (ie: at least by midnight) for my photo shoot the next day.

Saturday: Photo shoot. Writing articles. Bearstock. Writing paper.

Sunday: Church! And I’m thinking I’ll be due for brunch for sure. Rookery or Dolce absolutely. Yum. Finish papers and articles. Oh damn I almost forgot- The Soapbox Derby! Somehow I have to fit in my sorority function also… anyone want to drive me to campus and then bring me back? I’m thinking I’ll park my car ahead of time…

I’m sure I’m missing something- but I hope to see yall out and about! Come and find me- your picture might end up here or in one of my Telegraph articles 😉


Love to all yall….



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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