Saturday Night Product Review: Amanda Jane Salon and M.A.C.

I’m trying to do these every Friday, however being without my computer for two days put me somewhat behind. Sorry yall.

Anywho- the last time I did a photo shoot I got to unexpectedly try a new facial cleanser from M.A.C. The reason for this is because I’m kind of anal about washing my face and using a scrub before having makeup applied. I know that if I don’t, because I know my own skin rather well, that the heavier makeup needed for these shoots sometimes will not stay on me very well. It’s not a reflection of the makeup or the makeup artist but rather just how my skin reacts.

I was working with a new makeup artist- for me- as Jenny had that day off for her birthday. I happened to mention to her that I was feeling a little bit anxious because I hadn’t washed my face- luckily she understood and let me try this new product M.A.C. is carrying. It’s called the Mineralize Volcanic Ash Exfoliator. The name is of itself is rather intimidating, and really the product it also when you first put it on your hands and then again when placed on your face. But it has some of the most amazing results ever. I’ve tried a ton of different exfoliators and this is one of my top choices.


When I finally went back last night to actually purchase the product Jackie let me know that she even lets the product sit on her face for about ten minutes. It’s made with natural volcanic ash and sugar scrub, so the sugar scrub will melt after scrubbing and the ash is good for absorbing excess oil for those of us (me!) with oily skin. I went ahead and used it last night as I have another shoot coming up this week. I’m happy to report that it quickly took care of some small breakouts along my jaw line.


Another product I want to report on is one that some of you will probably be wishing you had tomorrow morning. After a Saturday night out whether you go to a club or a bar, many times one might end up still smelling like it the next day. And if you are trying to make it to Sunday brunch or church, any short cuts in the morning are welcome. Typically what takes me the longest in my beauty routine is washing and drying my hair. And… it’s my hair that always absorbs the greatest amount of smoky bar smell. Solution? Oribe’s Cote d’Azur Hair Refresher spray.

This is another product recommendation from Mitch Kersey, owner and stylist at Amanda Jane Salon here in Macon. He allowed me to try it and the smell is just simply lovely. With several events this month: Weaver’s Weekend, Patriot’s Ball, Macon Beer Festival, Mercer’s first football game and more… this is a product I will not be able to live without this month and for future months.


Love to all yall,




Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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