Redefining Mommy, Womanhood, and Having It All

A friend of mine posted a link to a Time Magazine article, although “article” is used rather loosely here- it was really more of a critique and a photo, on Kim Kardashian trying to “have it all” and according to them all the ways in which she fails.


There is a poignant analysis of in what ways she is attempting to be demure, such as the neutral shade of her lipstick, versus the sexy, such as her neckline- which is actually nonexistent in my opinion- if you aren’t wearing a shirt at all then you’re just wearing a coat and maybe stepped out half dressed.


I have my own issues with Kim Kardashian as it is. First of all, let’s discuss her attire. Time Magazine saying- ” ‘her nude lipstick says “I’m a natural beauty”‘”. That’s such a load of crap to begin with. Anyone with any knowledge of basic makeup knows that neutral colored lipsticks and other makeup doesn’t necessarily hearken to a natural look. 


Then, Time says “But above all, her shoulder pads say ‘I’m a professional,’ which she most certainly is”. Really? Really? This is the best analysis you can do? Shoulder pads don’t necessarily say that unless you’re observing a film based on a 1980’s time period. 


Time– this is just shoddy journalism using a celebrity to spark conversation and web traffic. I see through your crap.


Let’s talk about redefining what being a women and a mother and having it all really means? Why not address the fact that this is different for each mother? It’s part of the age old argument of stay at home moms versus working mothers and who is doing a better job. And let’s talk about what sexy really is? Sexy can certainly be the woman who rocks the blazer with no shirt underneath look- which let’s be honest, when done well is pretty damn awesome.


But sexy is also the mom who stays at home with her kids and barely managed to get out of her pajamas today- if even that.


I would say some of this problem also goes to the fact that “sexy” isn’t always said in the same breath as “love”. The men in my life that I have considered to be the MOST sexy are those that I love deeply. And that’s how it should be. I don’t look at celebrities and define them as sexy, they might be good looking or attractive but to me- sexiness goes along with the intimate act of consummating a relationship- and that really should also be tied to love. Perhaps I am old fashioned in that regard.


Then also, we don’t have the context of this photo that Time chose to feature. What if Kim is walking North just before a big event she has to go to? Her JOB is to be at events and to be pretty and show her face. Multi-tasking and being a mom, no matter if you’re job is to be a model or even to stay at home with your kids, is HARD. You always feel like you are failing and flailing.


Kim Kardashian and sister Kourtney leave apartment building with baby North in the stroller, NYC



So Time– why don’t you do a piece on those women who really do feel like they have it all? I know I do! I have a career which lets me work from home, I have two loving children, and an abundance of friends. Is my life perfect? No- but whose is?! Oh and guess what? I also do some modeling for this blog. But even if I didn’t- I would still consider myself to be sexy, even in my Mommy Gym Attire that I am wearing at this very moment.





Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 969 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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