Molly’s Favorite UGA Videos



I don’t like to watch football in front of other people. This is because one of my main teams, University of Georgia, usually sends me in to fits. But it’s not my fault! My mother loves to tell people that I was born early because of Herschel Walker. You see, my genius mother was nearly 9 months pregnant with me jumping up and down at the damn tv screaming ” GO HERSCHEL!!!”

And THEN my parents also love to tell people that I have a problem with the word ” NO” because of Georgia football. See, little ol Molly got traumatized as a child because my parents were screaming ” GO GO GO” at Herschel and little Molly started running in circles, crying, apparently thinking they were screaming ” NO NO NO” at me. However, I digress….

Now I’m an adult, and my own kids are watching me scream at the tv. My loyalties are now divided between Mercer and Georgia, and while I’m a season ticket holder for Mercer I will still watch Georgia games and get frustrated and take it out on Twitter.

So, for now, I thought I would share my favorite UGA recaps right here, right now:

Know what one of the best things about this video is? Other than the utter shock of the Tennessee fan? It’s the fact that it was the year after stupid Casey Claussen ran his mouth about how if he had been in the game he could have beaten Georgia with two arms.

“I could have played on one arm and we could have definitely beaten Georgia, but (the doctors) didn’t want to risk it,” Clausen said afterward. “If I had played that game we definitely would have won by at least two touchdowns.”  – from


Yeah, Casey, how’s it feel to lose?! Yes I’m still talking about it 12 years later. It was awesome.

I was in Athens for this game, although not *at* the game, and I can still remember my shock when this happened. Special shoutout to my Gamecock friends here….

While technically not a play on the field, it’s still an awesome video. Also, this happened on my birthday. It was an awesome birthday that year!

I just love a classic Dawgs story, I just do.

There’s so many good Herschel videos, so many, but this is cool because he hadn’t performed well in the practices and noone really knew how he would do. And then THIS happened!

Just hurdleing a player… no big….

One of the few moments Mark Richt had some serious balls… I’m a fan.

Is it ok that I really miss a hard hitting defender like Greg Blue????

The hobnail boot speaks for itself, really.

My absolute favorite. This was the day my parents decided to move out of their house and I told them don’t expect me to help. Not happening. Oh and, WHAT did my brother pack first?! The damn tv. I made him get it back out and hook it back up. I was literally screaming at the tv. The neighbors had to be happy to be rid of us.

Honestly, I have more favorites. A lot more. But I didn’t want to overwhelm y’all!

I will leave you with this one, it’s not Georgia, but it is from my alma mater: Mercer University.

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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