Gone Too Soon- We Love You

I met him once, and his words changed my life

I saw him yet again, but each too busy to really speak

His gift and his words, the way they tumbled together

Rolled like the thunder – and soft as the wind

“Speak, Poet, Speak”- we wish to herald you again

To hear your words come 

To hear your spirit soar

To bring ours with it

In wondrous awe

Of the gift your shared with us all

Maybe if I hadn’t been too busy, you’d be here

Maybe if I had taken the time, you’d be here

Maybe if life were a little different

A little bit easier to bear

But art moves in such strange ways

And we- the creative- we feel them all

But you- your words- most of all

I will miss you, my friend

My friend in such short span of time

But your words-

Those, my dear, 

Are immortal

And will have forever touched my soul (our souls…..)


I did not know Mr. Sibaltia well, not in the traditional sense. But you see, we artists are like kindred spirits, and when we find one another it is as if our souls have known each other for a lifetime. When I read this morning that he died- it just took my breath away. I do not understand- I do not want to understand. I am grateful for my belief in a God that accepts us just as we are. I believe in a God who is in control far beyond my own powers, and has our fates written in the stars. I believe in a God who takes our tears and tells us we are in His hands.

Mr. S- I pray you can see all of us who are mourning you. I think you would be pleased to see just how many who were affected and influenced by you. And by the above- I think you can see, I was too.

Poet, Speak – for we love you.


Love to all yall,



Nicole Thurston’s Blog Post About Mr. S

13WMAZ’s Coverage

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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