When All You Can Do Is Pray: Ebola

The Ebola virus is scary, and it’s really difficult to discern between what is happening out there and what the real risk is to us everyday people, especially when you have a nurse who CALLS the CDC to report she has a fever and then they tell her she can travel. We’re told not to worry, and friends are sharing infographics about more people dying from the flu than Ebola. But it is human nature to be afraid of that which we don’t understand.


Many times, all you can do is pray. Especially when you feel so much smaller than the problems in the world. Ebola isn’t the only problem in the world, and we all know that. However, my friend Heather Burge at BleuBelle Boutique is having an event to do what she can to help an organization in Liberia. From the More Than Me: Promise Party event page on Facebook:


” This morning, my heart was broken but my spirit and soul were enriched when I stumbled upon the compassionate work being done in the slums of Liberia by an incredible organization, More Than Me, that was founded by a young American woman to help educate the girls from the war-stricken West Point slum in Monrovia, Liberia so that they could choose their own successes in life.

What she didn’t realize was that less than a year later, her focus would shift from educating these incredible young girls to providing care and love to them while their families and friends suffered from the worst possible thing imaginable, the horror that is Ebola.

It’s time for us to put our own fears aside and do something to stop this nightmare at the source. More Than Me has now started the Ebola-Free West Point Coalition to end the Ebola epidemic and stop the spread of this horrendous disease.”



Heather will be hosting a fundraiser on October the 23rd at BleuBelle Boutique in Savannah, Georgia. She has a list of suggestions for how you can help:


*DONATE to their incredible cause at MoreThanMe.org

*Join us for a night to celebrate their work and raise awareness, money, materials and supplies for their work, both in fighting Ebola and providing love for these young Liberian girls, many of them orphans. $25 recommended donation at the door. Please bring girls’ clothing, toys, dress up costumes, canned and dry foods, any nursing supplies or anything you might imagine could help brighten a young girl’s day.

*Find out more about this cause and spread the word – MoreThanMe.org

*Follow More Than Me’s progress on instagram: Founder Katie Meyler is katiemeyler and the organization is morethanmeorg

*Pray for Katie and her team as they set their personal needs aside to help these young children through this nightmare


If you are so moved to donate, please stop by if you are in the Savannah area. We all have left over toys and such, even if we don’t have the $25 cash.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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