Bishop B Is FIVE

I’m pretty much in tears y’all- my precious baby Bishop B is five today.

Five seems so old!


I remember it felt like the longest pregnancy ever, finding out when I was two weeks along. Prior to getting pregnant, I really thought something was wrong with me. You see, I had been off of my birth control for over a year. And nothing. Then my sister-in-law got pregnant like that and I really felt defective. However, lil B would come along about a month or so later.

I was working nearly 60 hours a week at Enterprise and I was pregnant and miserable, however my job carried our health insurance so it wasn’t like I could quit. And during that last month of pregnancy, I would overcome and perform highly enough that I would actually get promoted while on leave with him.

It’s funny really, the day before I was induced I was still at work- went to the doctor- came back and told my office “well they say I’m in labor, I’ll get induced tomorrow”. And everyone was like- why are you still here?! So I went home and to the grocery store with my mom and panic began to set it: I wasn’t ready. I didn’t have it all.

Of course, there’s no way you’re ever really “ready”. But- we went in at 5:00 am on the 30th.

Around 10:00 am on the 31st- that’s more than 24 hours later of labor and not progressing past 2 cm dilated and nothing but freakin ice chips and banana pops to eat- we made the decision to go with a c-section. Shortly after 12 noon, Bishop came in to the world. William Bishop Wilkins, Jr.

Even when I was pregnant, I was so protective over him. I would get nervous when I didn’t feel him move after a while. But when he came along- wow. Sometimes all I could do is stare at him. Especially at 3 am when we were awake, just the two of us, and daddy was asleep. There were many times it was just me and B due to his nighttime feedings.


B came in to this world doing things his own way- and hell he still does. This kid is the one that makes me be the helicopter parent and always hold his hand. He’s as fast as his father and runs the whole length of a soccer field at least three times when he wants to.


He’s also protective over his sister- who he calls “Lil Kate”. He can mess with her however he wants but if ANYONE else messes with her, that includes Mommy (so long as the discipline isn’t because of something she did to him), he will let you know that won’t sit well with him. When he was a year old and Lily Kate was a newborn he would scream if kids at the daycare came near her.

He’s super creative and loves Dancing With The Stars- always has. But he’s also got a great engineering mind and loves to play with his trains.


But when he wants to love on Mommy, he is just my sweet lil B all over again. He will come up to me and want a hug and just say out of the blue “I love you Mommy”. There’s nothing in this WORLD better than that.


And then he usually gets rambunctious again- that’s my B.

photo by Neal Carpenter


Bishop- I love you more than you will ever know. I will give my life for you in a heartbeat, and I will deliver the moon and the stars to you if you so wish. I also love you enough to know when “no” is the best word you can hear. And when kisses and hugs are what you need to dry any tears that may come your way.

Happy 5th Birthday my Love, and many more to come.



Love to my B-



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 959 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

2 thoughts on “Bishop B Is FIVE

  • December 31, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    How sweet. Today is my son’s birthday,too, 15 years ago.


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