The Best Christmas In A Long Time

This feels like the best Christmas in a long time.


Advent is a season of waiting, and it seems that I’ve been waiting  a long time for many things.


I’ve started a new job, one that challenges me in a way that I was craving, as the Director of Sales & Marketing at Pin Strikes.


I’ve also got a designer position with Keep Collective, something that I never knew I was missing in my life until I found it. I’m loving making jewelry and designing items for friends and family. It doesn’t hurt that the commission structure is amazing, too. AND I’m looking to add people to my team! Let me know if you’re interested! (Email:


My mom and I haven’t managed to kill each other in our partnership endeavor on this site. That’s a HUGE plus! AND….. we’re about to be in a store in Savannah, and possibly elsewhere in the state. Not to even mention that we sold dozens more candles that I could have hoped for locally, and I learned that I have valuable friends who are serving as unofficial brand ambassadors (Britt and Kevin- I’m looking at y’all).




I got in front of the camera again- which is a big deal to me because I haven’t been in the gym a whole lot due to an insane work schedule. And trust me, I can see it. But I did my first shoot in a long time and realized I can still look good. (Photos by Lisa Crosby.)




My kids are getting bigger and smarter and kinder. They were always those things, but I am loving watching them grow into these little rounded out people. But even as much as they grow, it’s the quiet moments at night when they are starting to fall asleep- when I tell them I love them and they say back to me they love me, too…. that always melt my heart.


I closed on a house! My very own first house ever. Which just blows my mind. I’ll chronicle that journey of renovation here as well.


In a two-week span I closed on that house, a family member passed away, I moved, I resigned from my job, got one (really two) new jobs along with this site expansion, and… I went on a first date.


A first date with someone who I am hoping is serious. It’s not just someone who a few dates in decides he might could do the serious thing. He’s someone intentional, just like me. And I’m learning through him that it’s ok for me to be honest and say that I do want to be settled down again someday. That it’s ok for me to say I need someone of faith to stand by my side. Because I think sometimes we lose that these days- at least, I know I do. It’s always been a few months in that I discover the other person does not have a relationship with God, and I don’t like to walk away from someone just because of that…. but I have learned that God is important in my life, as is my relationship with Christ.


So while this Episcopalian feels awkward saying it, I do need a partner who not only understands that side of me- but echos in its sentiment. It appears I’ve found that. (And we would be “Facebook official” but he wants to meet my parents and kids first, so that’s pretty cool, right?!)


At the same time, Christmas means the year is ending. And I have friends who are working on leaving. Which makes me extremely sad. There are people who are leaving and have already who were so important to me as I transitioned out of one life and into another. I hold them close even in the distance. I’m not ready to let go of more.


So, yes, friends are leaving and moving. But they haven’t gone yet. Not yet. I’m still hanging on to them while they are here. So for that reason, and all the other ones, I’m hanging on to this Christmas as the best one in a long time. And looking forward to many more to come. It feels like I’m finally coming out of a long and weary Advent.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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