A Happy Accident: When Shoes and Purse Match


I love it when an outfit just comes together magically, organically. Many times it happens unexpectedly, for me at least. Those are the times when creating fashion is most fun for me.

The items pictured here were purchased separately and without thought of one or the other. And each was a total accident, actually.

The shoes, the Josette style by Jessica Simpson, are one of my favorite shoe styles. I have written about them before. I have this shoe in: patent leather black, regular leather black, 3 pairs in the same shade of pink (what? i found them on sale and i love the color and they will end up at the repair shop soon enough), silver. Yeah, I think that’s it. Anyways so when I saw this ombre pink which is NOT the same shade of pink as the others (and let’s be honest, it wouldn’t matter if they were) I knew I had to have them. I wasn’t even looking for them, I was shopping for sale item shoes to go with this photo shoot. Needless to say, I ended up with three pairs of shoes… not one of which was on sale. However I digress…

So, I had the shoes.



A few days thereafter, after the photo shoot and all, I was at the Coach outlet. I really went in there before stopping off at Carter’s to get some items for my sweet babies, and also because I had just wrapped up a class in Henry County, and figured I’d stop in Coach first to look for a Valentine’s present for my undefined-complicated-not-sure-what-we-are-significant-other of the male persuasion. Well, I did find the Valentine’s present (a bad ass leather tie holder, just trust me he needed it and loved it, and he’s not a good liar so this is true) BUT I also found a lil something for me.




I was needing a cross-body bag that I could stash my wallet and extra lens in during the shows I shoot at the Cox Capitol Theatre (see more here at Watch Molly Shoot) and other events. I had literally walked around the store three times, found a pair of sunglasses, the V-day present, but couldn’t quite find the bag. And then I stumbled across it, tucked away in a corner of the clearance section. In retrospect, someone must have stuck it back there in hopes of finding it later. I’m sorry to have been the one to deliver the disappointment, but I do believe in shopping fate- and this was fate to be sure.

It wouldn’t be until a few days later that it dawned on my that the purse and shoes matched perfectly. So you see, it really was a happy accident. I can pair them with simple colors, such as the black and white outfit I am wearing here just outside of Empire State South (which I visited for another article and may I say- YUM). But these items would be appropriate to add an unexpected touch to my new favorite dress, the snakeskin print seen the in Valentine’s Day photo shoot.


So I’m curious- how many times have YOU had such a happy accident? To celebrate- I’m going to give away another one of the items I found at Coach to you, along with some other goodies. Pay attention to my Facebook page to see more!


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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