A Christmas Tour of Homes NOT To Be Missed: Stanislaus


UPDATE: More pictures added! Check it out:


Stanislaus: a neighborhood that was born from the ashes of one of Macon’s colleges. St. Stanislaus College, originally named Pio Nono College for Pope Pius IX, was five stories high and the cornerstone was laid in the year 1874. According to Historic Macon’s website: ” In keeping with the country house tradition of the previous owner of the property, the college was constructed in the tradition of English Victorian Country houses with a formal tree-lined entry drive, terminating at a circular turnaround centered on a large statue.  The symmetrical facade was flanked by matching grand staircases on each wing, with many long porches accenting the exterior and capturing hilltop breezes.  The building is probably best identified as Collegiate Victorian style, although there are some features from other traditions such as the Stick-style cupola in the center. ” (http://www.historicmacon.org/hh-archives/#stanislaus)

The college would burn down in 1921, but what would become ones of the most fabulous neighborhoods in Macon would be reconstructed from the ruins- and you can have the chance to tour not only the neighborhood but some of these beautiful homes. The Stanislaus Christmas Tour of homes takes place this weekend December 5th, 6th and 7th from 6 until 9 pm, and you can click this link for ticket information. I had the chance to speak with a few of these home owners about their homes and how they are decorated for the holiday season.

Andrea Crawford is an interior decorator herself, so I think it’s appropriate to start with her. As a mother and a budget conscious decorator myself, I am always curious about not just the history of these homes (let’s recall from previous posts that I am a history major and a Historic Macon patron- go here if you wish to be a patron as well) but also how someone like ME could also decorate just as fabulously. Andrea tells me first about her own personal style:

I am a traditionalist at heart! I love antiques and family heirlooms, but I always throw in a subtle contemporary twist to keep things fun and fresh.

I really can’t say that I have a theme. Being an interior designer I have a true love & appreciation for so many different styles. I’d have to say that my personal style is pretty eclectic because I truly do like a little bit of everything. I do have quite a few of Christopher Radko’s blown glass ornaments that I’ve been collecting for years. I love them because they have a vintage inspired style… their whimsical colors are the perfect anchor for my tree, yet they are so delicate and elegant!

We don’t have kids yet, but when we do I know they will love the fun and colorful ornaments on my Radko Christmas tree. I fell on love with them when I was a kid and have been collecting them ever since! They make a beautiful tree that any age can enjoy!

I mix in a few of the more expensive blown glass ornaments and fill in with less expensive glass balls. Use fresh greenery… It makes a huge visual impact, smells lovely, and best of all it’s free! Cut from your yard, borrow from your neighbors yard, drive around town and look for pine & berries on the roadside… Make it an adventure!

We just moved into our newly renovated home and we love it! We can’t wait to share time over the holidays in our new home with our family and friends… It’s been a long time coming!





For those of you who know Davey and Peggy Keys you know they are a delightful couple, I truly love running in to them whenever I see them out and about. Peggy told me that their home is decorated in an eclectic style:

We have mixed antiques with flea market finds.  It is always a treasure hunt when we travel.  Our home is designed to make all people feel welcome and enjoy conversation.  Our small porch is affectionately named The Side Porch Lounge.  We have so many neighbors stop by to sit and have a libation that now we need to expand the porch.

Christmas is such a special time for all of us.  We are thankful that Christ was born to save us.  We have four children and five grandchildren.  Christmas morning is the most fun with everyone at home waiting in the den just to open their stockings.  Brunch is always served while waiting for everyone to arrive.



Dr. Seth Bush is a local pediatrician, he and wife Jeana have two sons- and he tells us about his home and how their children assist in the decoration of it:

Our house was built in 1926. It is a two story English Tudor house.  We have two kids 5 and 10 and we let them decorate the Christmas tree which means a predominance of the ornaments are 4 feet high or less.  We don’t do a lot of decorating for Christmas as we like to keep it simple. We get a Lynn Hooven Christmas tree and wreath from North Carolina and of course stockings are a must as are two nativities – one that was my wife’s Grandmother’s and one that my oldest son made in pottery class. 

Our Christmas tour is really neat as our neighborhood is a circle which makes for a great walking tour. The trees have Christmas lights on them, the street lampposts have red bows and luminaries light up the sidewalks and lead to the houses on tour.  We will have kids caroling through the neighborhood, two cookie and wassail stations and a Secret Santa shop housed by vendors selling their Christmas wares.



Ginger Collins-Gozur and her husband Ken Gozur are newcomers to the area but they have quickly embraced their magnificent home and added their own personal touches:

I am rather new to Macon.  We moved here from Ft. Lauderdale 18 months ago and we are so happy that we did. Macon is a lovely town and the people are so welcoming and friendly. This will be my first tour and I am excited about participating. My home, the Villa Theresa was built in 1929 and was designed by the famous American Classicist architect, Philip Trammell Shutze who is best known for the Swan House in Atlanta. Although nowhere as grand or elegant the home does have special charm an reflects his elegant Italianate design and still has some of the original Athos Meniboni works in several of the rooms.
My personal Christmas style is quite eclectic  as is my style in paintings. Each room will have a different theme — the library has an international flavor and I have incorporated many of the ornaments picked up over the years on our travels. The drawing room will be in turquoise and lime green and is rather understated. Our dining room is quite large so I have a ten foot tree done on white, silver and gold with an angel theme utilizing angels that I have collected over the years. The kitchen and sunroom are whimsical utilizing a nutcracker collection that my sister and I started over forty years ago when her husband was stationed in the air force in Germany. We too get our main tree and wreaths from Lynn- this 14 ft tree will be the focal point of the home and is located in the rotunda.
As far as working on a budget. I have always done that. I am somewhat of a hoarder and recycle decorations and ribbons from year to year. This year I bought a tree for $3 at a neighbor’s yards ale. Spruced it up with spray snow and decorated it with cardinals and holly from my yard. Total cost including a string of white lights —– $12. I am also using a lot of greenery in every room to make swags and garlands. I am fortunate to have this outside my front door and it truly saves a lot of money and makes the entire house smell just like Christmas from my childhood.
Jennifer Hayslip and her husband Curtis are two lovely friends of mine, and Jennifer herself is an amazing photographer (she photographed myself and some friends here), she really has an excellent eye for design:
My style is an eclectic mixture of vintage cottage chic. A bit of shabby chic, and english cottage decor. 
I have embraced several themes throughout my home. I enjoy so many various styles and color so I love to incorporate them into my holiday decor. My kitchen is a retro and colorful. Old School light bulbs, and 1950’s vintage santa’s and blowmolds. The kitchen has a very nostalgic feel to it which I love and reminds me of my childhood. My living room is the most peaceful in monocromatic colors and tones of soft whites, creams, pinks, gold, and burgandy. My favorite holiday room in my house would have to be my dining room. It’s known as the Sugar Plum Fairy Dining room. Dreamy soft pastel colors that look like a sugary wonderland. I pride myself in all the fine and beautiful details I put into decorating my home. It’s alot of work but well worth it!
I am a firm believer in teaching children to respect pretty and nice things.  However, with the being said I do have a small christmas tree that is just for my children and they both have complete freedom to decorating their tree as they wish. 
I take advantage of all the stores that discount their holiday decor. If you wait a week or two before Christmas you will start seeing the holiday sales. Anywhere from 40-50% off. Every penny counts! Im also a huge DIY craft girl. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make your home have a gorgeous and festive impact. You can make your holiday wreath and save half of the money. Another idea is to take an average string of white lights and add strips of white tulle tied to the lights to give a more soft pretty look. I highly recommend the website Pinterest for DIY Christmas projects.

My family and I always make it a tradition to stay home. We enjoy opening our gifts together and the children playing with all of their new toys Santa brought them. Christmas evening I prepare a huge sit down dinner for family and close friends. It’s the one special day where we cherish the magic and true meaning of Christmas.
For me, what I love about historic homes and neighborhoods is that they are not cookie cutter- each has their own personality and structure. It takes a very special family to take on the care of one of these homes because they are truly a labor of love. The decoration of them is no different. And each of these families, and their homes, also have their own personality. You will surely not want to miss this chance to walk inside and tour these homes and perhaps take away some ideas of your own. And who knows? Perhaps you will fall in love just as I have.
Love to all y’all,

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 969 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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