112 days until
this post was originally written for my own blog
Watching the Draft last night and participating in Sarah and Ashten’s twitter party #girlsgonedraft has made me miss one thing….and that one thing is college football. It’s one of the best things about living here. College football in the South is indescribable. There’s nothing quite like it; the fans, the stadiums, the absolute love for your team and hatred for your rival. With that being said
112 days until
– the smell of fresh cut grass
– the sound of pads hitting each other
– the lone trumpeter

– watching Herschel’s highlights
– listening to the late, great Larry Munson (God rest his soul) during the pregame video
-seeing the sea of people in red and black
-downtown Athens

-ringing the chapel bell after a victory
– krypton before the start of the 4th quarter

and of course yelling GO DAWGS at every kickoff.
So August 30, I’m ready for you to get here because I’m ready to be back in between the hedges, sporting my red and black, cheering for the best team in all the land.
Until next time y’all,