A Weekend Away: A Brief Epicurean & Sartorial Tour of St. Simons Island (and a jaunt through Savannah)


I’m lucky that I have the resources to get out of town pretty easily. As much as I love my hometown, sometimes it gets just a little bit too small. And when that happens I’ve gotta get out.


A few weekends ago it was a trip to St. Simons Island, a.k.a. Stratford-by-the-Sea (cause I always see people I went to Stratford with there) or Macon-by-the-Sea (cause I see someone from Macon even if they didn’t go to school with me). Ok so- perhaps it’s not really the best place to get away from those that I know. But we do have a condo there so it’s a free place to crash. You take what you can get, right? Anyways…..


St. Simons has always been a second home, but I find that I’m always making a new discovery there- or even rediscovering an old favorite. This trip was the first time I had been down there since Hope’s debuted their remodeled store. While awaiting our table for brunch at Palmer’s Village Cafe.





The new store is beautiful  and really sets the tone for a high end shopping experience- without the high end price. Chandeliers assist me in feeling right at home while perusing the racks of clothes.






After just a short visit we checked upon our wait for a table at Palmer’s and pleasantly found they were ready for us.


Palmer’s is one of those revamped Island places that used to be something else (Dressner’s) and thankfully has reopened. I don’t recall every having gone in to the old restaurant, but Palmer’s is one of those places where you have to get there early or be prepared to wait. This visit I decided to live it up and get mimosa along with my coffee. Note: I generally end up with three beverages at any given time- a coffee, a large bottle of water, and something else. It just happens. I know I look ridiculous- I’ve given up caring.



water (not pictured), mimosas, coffee- three drinks. skirt by Escapada from Karats and Keepsakes
water (not pictured), mimosas, coffee- three drinks. skirt by Escapada from Karats and Keepsakes





Anyways- back to the food. I ordered the Islander Omlet. I’m not usually an omelet kind of girl, I typically eat my eggs scrambled and with a steak and veggies or something. But this sounded entirely too good to be true: egg whites, bacon crumbles, cucumber ribbons, seared tomatoes, reduced balsamic AND what REALLY GOT me…. a custom made garden herb cream cheese with goat cheese also and avocado. Our server told me it was their version of a Herb Boursin, and it was folded in to the egg with locally grown tomatoes. O.M.G.







I unfortunately don’t remember what my mom got- but it was good.














Brunch was late enough that day that it was basically a lunch for me as well. However- for dinner that night, I was bad. Super bad in fact. We ordered pizza from CJ’s – one of the places that I remember going to when I was just a child, in fact it’s one of my first SSI memories- and it was the BBQ pizza with BBQ from Southern Soul BBQ. YAY OH YAY. The fat kid in me would be doing cartwheels- if only I could have ever turned them.





I didn’t grab pictures of my stop in to the Tibi outlet- but you know I went. I also took one of my grandmother’s to get her FIRST pedicure.  just can’t even believe it- my father’s mother is next on the list.


After a full day of shopping, food and Georgia’s first football game of the season (thus my attire that day)- it was off to bed, because after getting in to town late the night before and spending one day on the island, I would be on the road again.



outfit by Escapada from Karats and Keepsakes
outfit by Escapada from Karats and Keepsakes




The next day brought me on a minor detour through Savannah- as if I really need an excuse to stop in that lovely city 😉 I would pop in to Custard to visit with the always fun and entertaining Tara. And of course I found some things I really needed to take home….


Starbucks was necessary....
Starbucks was necessary….


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And then I had to stop in to Foxy Loxy and they had a special brunch menu- which they had pretty much sold out of! I don’t think I even got a picture of what I had to eat, I’m so sorry dears. Right after I left there I saw an Instagram post from The Florence and was like OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THEM! How could I forget?! So I rushed through my second coffee of the day with the intent to get a Cortado that I love so much from Empire State South and 5&10 by way of The Florence. But, I couldn’t read the signs very well somehow and got a little turned around- so I decided it was best to head on home.









Ahhhhh I wish I could go back- the good news is, you can easily go down there too! Saint Simons and Savannah each are an easy trip from Macon, and lord knows I’ve been know to make a simple day trip out of either one.



Love to all y’all,



Palmer's Village Cafe on Urbanspoon

CJ's Italian Restaurant on Urbanspoon

Foxy Loxy on Urbanspoon

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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