Tiffany and Company- How a Love Affair Began
Like many women, and men alike, I love Tiffany’s. There’s just something about getting a gift in that little blue box that gives a thrill that unless you have experienced it- there just isn’t anything else like it. Frankly, you know someone really loves you when they give you Tiffany’s.

I have been lucky enough to receive such gifts on two separate occasions, but my love affair with this blue box began long before that. When I was in the 8th grade, I had just started picking up copies of Vogue magazine. It was also when I bought my first little black dress, a wool creation from The Gap. It was also in this year that I won a contest on the radio: I was the correct caller to win $1,000.
It seemed like a fortune to me. I’d had my eyes on diamond tennis bracelets even before I had heard of Tiffany’s- my grandparents would buy me fake ones as a child and they were some of my most prized possessions. So when I won this $1,000 fortune, my mother, grandmother, and I happened to take a trip to the High Museum in Atlanta at this time. (It also happened to be my first Picasso exhibit.)
Of course, one of my first stops was in Tiffany’s. You see, I had my heart set on buying a *real* diamond tennis bracelet. Marching straight along to the diamond counter, the gentleman I encountered on the other side must have sensed my nervousness: I was the youngest person in the store, and had marched ahead of my mother and grandmother. He very kindly asked how he could help me and I told him of my intended purchase, and could I please see them?
As this was before the time of music moguls children buying themselves lavish presents in Atlanta malls, he had to have known there was no damn way I could afford this item. But, in such a gracious manner, he let me try on said bracelet. And even more graciously, without condescension told me the price when I asked. $25,000. He didn’t even laugh when I must have turned 20 shades of white, and very calmly stated it was a little out of my range. He then asked what I was looking at- and it was in this moment that I came clean and told him what my budget was and how I came across it. He then showed me some lovely diamond pieces in the $700 range. I said thank you, but no thank you, and left with my mother and grandmother, who had caught up with me at this time.
To be honest, he probably would have made a sale had I been aware of the silver items- and he might have told me about them but I was so shell shocked at wearing a $25,000 diamond tennis bracelet on my arms.
Even to this day- I am loyal to Tiffany and Company because of that man. I wish I had gotten his card and said a proper thank you at that time. I hope he is still working for them, he had earned them a lifelong customer. I also hope someday I can actually BUY that $25,000 tennis bracelet. For now, I am more than happy with my two necklaces- and my bracelet (which I do have to note- my children sadly took the charm off of it and lost it).
So Tiffany and Company- keep it up. You constantly reward me with this memory (and when you retweet my instagram pics)!
Love to all y’all,
I loved reading this story, Molly.
Thanks so much!! Feel free to share 🙂
I will. I retweeted it earlier. I hope you’re able to get the tennis bracelet sooner rather than later 🙂
hahaha thanks!!!
LOVE the cover photo on your blog … tres tres chic!
awwwww thanks lady! that was such a fun day- i miss you!
our story is very touching, you like to wear jewelry is also very charming!
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