Thrifty Thursday #7: Thrifting and Why It Matters

So I’m taking a different approach this Thrifty Thursday. I would like to express just a couple of points about thrifting and why it matters. Although I’ve been exposed to the perks of thrifting since a fairly young age, I now realize the full potential of positive effects it has. I just thought I would share with y’all my motivation behind what I do and why it really does matter.
[badge style=”1″]1[/badge] Thrifting is fun!
Like all shopping, I thoroughly enjoy searching through a store, aimlessly or purposefully, for things that fit my shape, color pallet and more importantly, my personality. So thrifting just changes the products a bit, changes the risk of finding something and puts a new-old spin on shopping. It’s like going to a continuous yard sale: you never know what you are going to find. It could be a pair of pleather, yes, artificial leather, pants that were totally cool in the 90s, or could be a Ralph Lauren shirt made in 2013. The risk adds uncertainty and fun to shopping.
[badge style=”1″]2[/badge] Thrifting is cheap!
Let me not avoid the obvious here: thrift store prices are way cheaper than the department stores. However, from previous blogs, you should know that I do not discourage shopping elsewhere, like at boutiques, for essential outfit pieces. I just suggest that those places are not the ONLY options. The prices at thrift stores do not often reflect quality, just a set price standardized by the retailers. On a college budget, I encourage thrifting because overall, it does save you quite a bit of money.
[badge style=”1″]3[/badge] Thrifting helps!
The main thrift stores that I refer to, Salvation Army and Goodwill, both use their profits to provide for others, whether jobs (Goodwill) or other provisions for those in poverty or need (Salvation Army). I feel better knowing that this alternative way of shopping will ultimately aid their organization and mission in some way.
[badge style=”1″]4[/badge] Thrifting is in style!
Old things come back in style. Maybe not that mother-of-the-bride blue polyester dress with shoulder pads the size of Texas, but certain articles of clothing that were popular in the 70s and 80s are coming back. Among my generation, the “hipsters” are really into this concept. They take past clothing trends and are the “first” to bring them back. Some of the “hipster”-led trends include cut-off, high-waisted denim shorts (especially with a really light wash), the round “Ozzy Osborne” shades, and the, oh so classic, American flag. These articles of clothing that have been brought back are usually started by findings in a thrift store.

So these are some of the reason that I choose to thrift and encourage everyone else to do so as well! (And there’s always the thrifty tips to look back on for guidance.) I hope you guys liked this viewpoint and want to try out thrifting yourself!!!

Thrifting is treasure hunting. So from one treasure hunter to another, keep on thrifting!

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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