The Day I Was Preparing For: Savannah Fashion Week

Yes, I’m still talking about Savannah Fashion Week- there was so much going on! But the biggest thing I was preparing for was on Thursday night, and since I’m in Savannah for the day (having a meeting at SCAD) it’s only appropriate that I write about it.


Some of you may remember that the evening before was when my group of ladies and I attended the screening of Mademoiselle C at the Jepson Center, in retrospect- one of the really cool things about Savannah is their obvious dedication to the arts from early on in the lifetime of the city. The Telfair Museum, and the Jepson Center as a part of it, are situated right in the heart of Savannah and it was an easy walk from our hotel on Bay Street.




The next day would consist of me attempting to go to the hotel gym, which was successful for a little bit, but then we decided to venture out around downtown Savannah.

I’m pretty sure people thought I was bananas when they saw me taking pictures of my truffles from Wright Square Cafe…. on the ground…. trying to get a statue in the background of my shot.





But never the less, we had a ball just walking around downtown and reading the historic markers and going in various shops. I, for one, kept wishing I had studied more architectural history because I felt like I could sort of identify Gothic and Federalist and Italianate styles of homes and buildings- but the know-it-all in me wanted to be able to say for sure.


However later, after it started to rain and I was actually *glad* I had ventured out in nothing but a tourist-looking t shirts shorts and tennis shoes, we would venture out to the mall to pick up some things that we could not find downtown. Then came really getting ready for the big event. Preparing ahead- we could call a taxi to take us to Forsyth Park. I kind of wish we had called one of the pedi-cabs though, I think we could have fit the three of us in one of those.


The pedi-cabs are just that: pedestrian “driven” cabs that can hold two – maybe three- people inside of them and take you to your destination around downtown. I think they are just precious and I saw both tourists and natives like using them.


Once we would arrive at Forsyth Park we were greeted by a beautiful white tent and the VIP area laid out among the pavilion (pardon me if it has a formal name- I’m not aware of it). This would be when I would meet up with friends, as well as Tristan of Design Studio South who won the VIP ticket giveaway I was doing. There were cocktails, food, and even some of the models lining the stairs upon entry.









Now, y’all may not realize this but I do have my shy moments. I was a little bit out of my element for a short time when I realized that…. well, this isn’t like Macon where I know everyone. But all of the people I encountered here were SO NICE. I mean really, so nice. And luckily I had my dear friend from college, Rachel, to join me later and participate in comments during the runway show.






I was so, so impressed with everything. I’ll be blogging later about each individual designer’s show and the items I loved the best. However afterwards, we had to party… on a yacht.







The yacht party was amazing, special thanks to Ben Carter for hosting us! There was champagne, macarons, truffles, mini quiches and all. And the chance to socialize with lovely friends- new and old.


I look forward to writing more about this event and I’m already excited about next year!


Love to all y’all,





Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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