The Best of Times | Being Broken



We don’t know at 22 how good we have it- we’re simply itching to get out in the real world, and yet also so scared of it. I think sometimes we settled for less than we deserve out of that fear, and yet, we don’t even know that despite everything hard that is about the come- these are the best of times.


I say this with some reflection. I reconnected with someone who was once so dear to me this weekend- someone I knew when I was 22. We had a falling out that took me sometime to understand, I was blindsided by it. But we picked right back up this weekend with one phone call- after an Instagram comment which led to a private Facebook message and an exchange of numbers- closing with a promise to catch up in person.


And yet this weekend also brought a series of communications that were incredibly hurtful, from someone who just can’t seem to stop hurting me. Even something as silly as calling me overweight. (Note: I’m not happy with my weight right now anyway- but it’s due to lack of sleep, I’m almost positive, as I type this at 11:30 pm.) There’s just no point in it.


My friend and I laughed about how easy we had it at 22- why were we in such a hurry to get to this place? This place which has left us divorced, alone, and broken. But what I have to remind myself through the tears, as I receive those hateful texts, is that being broken doesn’t mean I’m not strong. Broken means I have learned. Broken means I have picked myself up- me, myself, I damn well did it- and am moving upwards and onwards. Is it a straight path? No. But I have to wonder, was it ever really straight to begin with?


And if nothing else, I have learned more kindness from this. I have learned that truly, you never know what is going on in someone else’s world.





There was a time in which I would never have made friends with Carrie who lives in the Dempsey, just because I would not have. I would have been too busy. I would have been too snobby to see her.


Being broken means I can see others through a clearer lens, and I can appreciate those I encounter. It means my rough edges have been worn down, that many fights aren’t worth it- and the ones that are are made clear.


Being broken means that I can reach down to you, too, and say- “Friend, I was once there, let me lift you in to the light”.


The tears are temporary, though it does not feel as much as the time, I know. Prayer, meditation, talking to a friend- and even finding a new one- they all help. There is someone to help you find the way.



Love to all of y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

One thought on “The Best of Times | Being Broken

  • July 21, 2014 at 7:05 pm

    Well said and experienced my friend. Continue to focus forward. You are right, we are living the best of times with the blessing of each passing moment. Thank you for sharing part of your journey with us.


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