Taking Control of Your Bedroom

Note: Some of this material may not be appropriate for those under the age of 18….


I thought after yesterdays post regarding mommyisms and what’s consider to be sexy- this might be the appropriate time to post this.


Nope… this isn’t going to be about changing your furniture to be more feng shui. A friend of mine recently approached me about a small company she has bought in to, you could compare it to being like the Tupperware of Women’s Products.


Figuring out how to write a piece about women’s beauty products which also include a range of other options isn’t easy. Especially in a way that might not offend some readers  but also pays appropriate tribute to the products. I’m talking about a company called Pure Romance, and they market themselves to women in a safe setting- only allowing their products to be shown and demonstrated at events where only women will be present. Next thing you know, a couple of glasses of wine in and you will learn a whole lot more about your friends than you may have realized.


But aside from all of that, these products have a genuine beauty usage. One of my favorites that I got to try is the (oil). Something that I always have an issue with is when getting out of the shower, I know I need to put on lotion or something to keep the moisture in my skin but durn- if I’m in a hurry there aren’t many lotions out there that won’t stick to my clothes. THIS oil won’t do that, it’s incredibly light and still allows you to get dressed right afterwards. Of course, that isn’t necessarily the primary usage of this product….







There are several beauty product items in this site, along with some- um- shall we say racier items? They do also have consultants who will host parties so you can learn more about the items in person. And you might even be surprised which of your friends are already acquainted with them and can give you a review!


I’ve realized that many times, we women see ladies on t.v. and the movies talking about their sexuality in terms of being single and carefree- but how many times do we see this in the context of a loving, committed relationship? Not often enough, is my belief. And I don’t mean this always means marriage. This could be anyone in a committed relationship.



So check out their site for some really cool beauty products, as well as some simply fun ones 😉



Love to all y’all,





Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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