Southern Style Monday: Living Truth Jewelry
We love getting to highlight Southern style vendors, and one of my personal favorites as of late is Living Truth Jewelry.
I’ve been rather up front and honest with my own spiritual journey here lately, and no matter what your thoughts are on the Christian faith I think many of us (who are Christians) have at least a favorite Bible verse or two. I’m actually signed up to get daily email with Bible verses and I find they are a good reminder of Him in my life.
So when I saw that there was a new jewelry line in Middle Georgia which would print verse numbers onto jewelry charms, and were actually still cute!, I got excited.
Then add that the creator is the wife of a friend, and that’s even better. So meet Brittany Tate. She’s a wife, a mother, works in marketing and also has this jewelry line. In short, she reminds me a lot of myself. I greatly admire fellow ladies who follow their creative dreams even if they have a lot on their plate.

The bracelets also have customizable options. So when I ordered mine I went to their Etsy store and was able to type in which verse I wanted.
In talking to Brittany I found out that her reason for starting this line stemmed from something similar I was running across: finding a lot of really cool verses that were special to her and wanting a way to keep them close to her. I LOVE this because I was having the same issue, how to keep up with the verses I loved the most and wanting them where I could easisly remember them. Jewelry is just such an obvious solution. And for me, I find that having that visual reminder is helpful.
Here’s some questions I asked Brittany.
Molly: What do you think has been your biggest surprise coming out of making this jewelry line?
Brittany: Really how much it just took off from the beginning. How much support that I got and how much positive feedback I got from ladies all over ordering the bracelets. And then complimenting them and saying how much the verses have spoken to them and having verses on them everyday has inspired them.
Molly: What are your future goals for the line?
Brittany: I want to get involved in some shows in Atlanta to do trunk shows, get in some stores. I really want it to blossom that I can get my name and brand out there- something that is fashionable and trendy but also works at their heart, too.
Molly: Is there anything else you want to add?
Brittany: I just really hope that women see it as it is. That God loves them and that He wants the best for them and he does that through his living word: the Truth. I want that to be a constant remidner for everyone, that you can do all things through Christ. And if this can be your pick me up or courage, or even a conversational piece to him, know that you can do it. I hope in some way that this jewelry helps you to do that.
I hope you’ve learning a little more about one of my favorite designers, and that she will become one of yours!
Love to all y’all,