Sour Donuts: Dunkin Donuts

EDIT: I’ve been asked to provide some context for why I’m so mad, I have a feeling many have kept up with this story but in case you’re new to this, here are some links with prior context:

Gotta be honest, I’ve never liked Dunkin Donuts anyway. Their coffee is less superior than Starbucks, and their pastries make me feel like I’m getting fat just looking at them. But in a pinch, I would shop there.

Not now.

Not anywhere.

Not even when I was at JFK Airport craving caffeine and there was only a Dunkin in sight.

Lou Patel- you’ve declared war on me.

Your frivolous lawsuit makes the loss of our historic properties sting even more.

It was clear to begin with that you didn’t give two flips about Macon, but yet you’re more than happy to make money off of us. More than happy to feed us your sugary fat inducing food. You must laugh to yourself at night about how fat your piggy bank gets at our expense. And now you’ve won your battle with our historic properties.

But now you decide to sue James Beverly.

Are you freaking kidding me?!

You’re an idiot. And words that I don’t feel like I can print.


I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? I have a tape recording of you at P&Z somewhere that I need to find where you verbally attacked Ethiel Garlington, Director of Historic Macon, in a manner that was completely unnecessary. You told him he wasn’t doing “his job”. You, sir, who the hell are you to say as much? You run a franchise, it’s not even your own original idea. You make your money off of people who don’t give two shits about our town, who only make it as far as the exit off of I-75 before moving along.

It’s heartbreaking to know that I was one of the last people inside Tremont Temple who gave a shit about it. I was there when developers were there, saying they could save it.



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I know people are saying it sat there for so long and no one cared. Fine. Take that. Same with the Douglass House. But now you’re going to sue someone who was simply doing as his constituents asked- as we voted him in office to do?

No. I won’t take it. I will, however, take it to social media. I will program this blog post every single day from now until however long my social media software will let me do it- I’ll send it to Dunkin Donuts until their social media manager is forced to block me.

You- Lou Patel- are the worst kind of business person there is. You don’t care about the soul of our town. I’m furious and hardly can control myself at my keyboard right now.

It just blows my mind that you clearly have no problems alienating the African American community in Macon- and yet. your business is right in the heart of where the Civil Rights movement took place in our town. In fact, I would bet you have African American employees. I wonder what your lack of concern for their history does for employee moral? And now you’re suing one of the most progressive representatives of that race in our town. It’s absolutely sickening.


You need not go screw yourself as I would love to tell you to do- you’ve already done as much. Because with this lawsuit you are attempting to smear the names of people and organizations that I know to truly care about MY TOWN. Because, you see, this is my town. It’s not yours. And you have shown us today that it never will be.

Dunkin Donuts- you should really remove this man’s franchise license, if you can.

Oh and Dunkin Donuts also- FYI- my tweets have reached as many as 100,000 impressions in a month. Wonder what that will mean for you?



You can read the original article in the Macon Telegraph here:

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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