#SFW2014 Savannah Fashion Week: Day Three

Clearly, I am playing catch up.

On the Third Day of Savannah Fashion Week, I started my day in Macon- taking my son to school and then going back to his school with little sister for their Mini Relay for Life. I have to say, I really do love my son’s school and I hope my daughter wins the lottery to go there next year!





A lot of the third day was spent on the road, meeting up with Gillian in Macon (bless her for driving down there this time- and driving back) and driving down to Savannah. Elizabeth would meet up with us and that evening we would catch the movie Mademoiselle C– which I very much loved. This also provided me my first trip to the Jepson Center in Savannah.


I think if I lived in Savannah I would have to live downtown. I love how you have this museum right in the center of downtown and their residential areas appear to be so well taken care of right alongside commercial spaces.


After the movie, we would walk back towards our hotel- but before getting there we would stop at jazz’d tapas bar– figuring they likely had a late night menu. I don’t drink martinis very often but was talked in to it this time, ordering the Sweet Tea Martini- after all we’re in Savannah! It’s made of Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, peach schnapps, and a splash of sweet and sour and Sprite. I honestly didn’t even realize all of that until I went to write this piece, otherwise I might not have ordered it. But it really was rather good.







We would also order some tapas, of course I mean- we were at a tapas bar. Along with hummus, we would order Chorizo sliders and Jalapeño BBQ shrimp and grits. Something that was different about their hummus is that it is served with Extra Virgin Olive Oil sitting inside the hummus itself. It makes for a different presentation from the usual bland appearing hummus and added a lovely touch.

The Chorizo sliders were perfect with the martini and were just heavy enough for a late night dinner without leaving you still hungry, and the Jalapeño BBQ shrimp and grits were spicy enough to open your eyes- but not to over power the palate.






While there, we started a conversation with a gentleman who- believe it or not- has a connection to Macon. I love when that happens! His sister in law lives in Macon, and Gillian actually knows her and her family. Love. It. Love it. This gentleman was also nice enough to buy our drinks- and not in a “I’m an older guy who is hitting on y’all” kind of way but in a “Welcome to Savannah- y’all have fun kind of way”. Just one more thing I love about living in the South.


Stay tuned for more!! We still have lots of photos to show from the Runway Show and so so much more!


Love to all y’all,




Jazz'd Tapas Bar on Urbanspoon

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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