Q and A for “Make It Work: Fashion by Molly” for Macon Food and Culture June/July Issue

Q: So, why this column? And why now?
A: Well, we all keep hearing people preach the old “day to night outfit”. But I have seen very few real life practical examples of it… especially that I can find locally. This spring and summer I have found myself wearing a lot of sundresses that I would not ordinarily consider to be “work attire”. But I put a white blazer with one of these dresses, and found it was very work appropriate. I then later wore the same dress (on a different night) with a black blazer and found it was a great evening outfit as well. I then tried the same thing with several other dresses and found that it continued to work well.

Q: How many times do you REALLY carry a separate clutch inside a bigger bag?
A:Frankly- all the time. It resulted from taking my license and other such essential items out of my wallet and placing them in a clutch. Then I would be lazy the next day and just throw the clutch in my big bag. It actually works out well! Especially in my line of work, where I am always lunching with a potential customer or a friend. (If you aren’t aware- lunches are the way those of us in the working world with kids find ways to by socialble.)

Q: Ok we’ve gotta say it- the other pictures of the dresses are bothering us. What’s up?
A: Haha well I had professional shots done for the full length pics, however Robin was doing a mini shoot for myself and some other girls. So, the other shots were the result of improvisation. Pardon me but it was also the wedding weekend of dear friend Tori and Jerry Jennings (I referenced them in a previous post… and I will post pics of what I wore later!) so it was a very busy weekend. I actually took a bedsheet, hung it over a door, and took the pictures with my iPhone. It was only later that I realized the black haze at the bottom was because the cheap iPhone cover I was using was partially covering the camera lens. Oops. Oh- and a BIG thanks to a certain somebody for letting me basically take over his apartment to take those shots.

Q: So wait a minute, on the day of friends wedding you managed to fit in a photo shoot?
A: Yeah. We were cutting it pretty close that day. I also managed to lose my license temporarily- I left it in a different clutch from the night before and didn’t keep that clutch in my large bag. So- there is a good example of a pitfall of that idea. Just make sure you keep up with your license and which clutch you have it in. Or, always empty said clutch if you are going to switch. K? I never said it was a perfect system… needless to say, the same “certain somebody” reference above also found my license and clutch.

Q: So as busy as you are, you don’t really have it all put together as much as it seems?
A: Yeah no I don’t. I have people say to me all the time “we don’t know how you do it”. Well guess what- neither do I most of the time. Keeping my kids number one and keeping that in focus makes a huge difference. Kind of puts everything else in perspective, you know?

Well guys and gals- that’s pretty much it. Feel free to ask any other questions or email me at makeitworkmolly@gmail.com



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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