My Gift To You- For 2021

I am taking a course right now- something about refocusing on one’s personal brand. It’s absolutely amazing and I suggest signing up NOW because it won’t be open long (link here for My Resource Shop). Now, yes, I’ve been working on media and digital media for over a decade, and I even have my Masters degree in it. But working on brands for others and working on your own brand are two totally different things.

One thing this course has made me focus back on is- what is my brand? What is the purpose of this website? How do I drill that down to an easy Instagram bio? The thing is- I can’t. This brand has grown an evolved over a nine year span of time- which is super crazy. It started out as a fashion blog, a way for me to write about brands that I couldn’t write about in the fashion column I had at the time. Then I started two other blogs about going out and about, travel, and food before realizing it could live all under one roof so to speak. This was when this site was still called “Make It Work Molly” – so called after my fashion column at the time.

Then I rebranded to Southern Bon Vivant when I gathered other writers, other voices. Then added a retail/wholesale line. Whew!

2018 came along and I was burned out- I was still writing but had enrolled in grad school. I kept this blog going enough to keep the few loyal advertisers I had happy. I am grateful for them- because running a website does cost money!

Now- now I’m done with grad school. I’ve written a book and a whole thesis. And I can come back to this. But… what am I giving to people? Is it more than just fashion tips and travel tips? 2020 has been a boondoggle of a year and yet, I am coming out of it feeling good. What’s something I can give to everyone that also helped me?

One thing I am wrapping up in January is my yoga teacher training. It was half insane to take that on while in grad school and work and kids and all. But it really helped me find peace and a focus- and I believe it has allowed me the manifest some really good things in my life.

Therefore- that is what I can give y’all. Starting with my top Five Tips for Reaching Peace– and once a month I’ll aim to give y’all another free download. I say aim because honestly- what else have we learned from this year than to give each other grace when we slip up? You can sign up here for my newsletter where I’ll send these out.

There will still be travel tips and fun places to check out- once it’s safe to do it. There will still be fun fashion tips, because I’m feeling comfortable in my body again about photoshoots. And also things that I do in my own home to allow myself grace.

I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with all y’all- 2020 has been amazing in so many ways… and 2021 will continue to be even better.

Love to all y’all,


Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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