Making Their Lunches | Worn Out


Today, my kids had their very first open house together- one going in to pre-K and the other in the Kindergarten. And I’m flipping worn out afterwards. Taking two tired, cranky kids to open house after finishing up their back-to-school shopping (believe it or not there was still more stuff to get!!) could have been planned better. I honestly somehow didn’t realize just how busy it would be. All of the parents coming together to get forms and handouts and permission slips and all of their kids with them…. ugggh. It was all too much for this Type-A personality mommy. Not only that, but of course I have the kids who everyone in the room knows their names because we’re at the front of the room during the presentation and my son decides NOW is the BEST time to jump on top of mommy and then little sister decides to whine loudly she has to potty and then all of us make our way out of the room past the parents who had crowded in the doorway. Uggggghhhhhh.


So I’m dead tired by the time I get home at only 4:30 in the afternoon, too tired to eat much less even think about prepping for the next day. But of course, I go ahead and start working on the details of the day for tomorrow. Their clothes are, thankfully, already washed and pressed- of course I got that part done #fashionmommy. Towels are in the wash and bookbags packed, and now for their lunches.


Their lunches are one of the most special parts of getting them ready each day. Food is one of the most basic ways we can show people we love them. By putting care and time in to doing this, whether it’s breakfast or lunch or dinner, we can show people we care. This is part of the reason why I really believe in the sustainable agriculture movement, because it supports our environment as well as small local farmers and allows my kids to eat better and healthier. (Pardon the grammar errors my kids keep interrupting me. I’m just going to give up on getting that much right in this post.)


Now, I understand not everyone can do this. But for me, this is how I show my kids love. I can’t get super creative with making their lunches and doing all of this crazy Pinterest stuff- but I do try to give them items they will both love and that are good for them.


So here we have:







Organic carrots, pretzels, pudding, fruit juice, Oatmeal pie, and a sandwich made with jams (two kinds!!!) from one of my favorite farms at the local market (shout out to Greenway Farms in Roberta). I know a lot of this, ummm the majority, it’s not locally made but I did what I could. This time.



Let me note- today wasn’t perfect. My children appear to hate Wal-Mart just as much as I do… but we had to go.











Also, today, one or both of my kids thought it was a fantastic idea to: climb on me in front of everyone at the school open house, lick my face at same event, tell me my breath was bad as I told them to sit down and listen, need to go potty in middle of presentation, and collapse and have a fit when it was time to leave one or more rooms. Within an hour time period. It was awesome.


But…. they have a great lunch for tomorrow, and I will make them one every day that I can.



Love to all y’all- but especially my sweet babies!!!



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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