Magic Weight Loss

Bet that got your attention!


Ok…. so there’s not really a magic cure for weight loss.


But I did get a treatment recently where I had one visit and could see the results instantly. In that visit.


I went to visit Ryan Campbell at Genesis Weight Loss & Body Sculpting and I did a procedure called The Strawberry Laser.


“It is a cold red 3b laser that penetrates the skin about 9-13 millimeters and agitates the fat cells and pokes temporary holes in the fat cell leaking out the fatty acid glyceride and water into the interstitial space. We then place probes on you lymph nodes to help move the fatty acid and water toward your liver and kidneys and on out. This is laser liposuction that is non invasive and has immediate results,” Campbell told me.


He’s right. I saw about a 2 inch reduction at each point we measured. I couldn’t believe it!


“The best results are seen when incorporating personal training as well as a health eating. You can package the laser with personal training and the advocate 24 day challenge as well.”


Then I found out about some other options they offer… like cryotherapy.


“Whole body cryotherapy is a technology that was developed in the 1970’s in Japan to help with rheumatoid arthritis by dropping your body temperature it can decrease inflammation in your body. The whole body cryo until uses liquid nitrogen to drop the temp between -130 and -190. When your body gets that cold your brain sends s signal to your body to pull the blood back to your core and it cleans it up and oxygenates it and gets antinflamitory properties to it and it attracts wherever you are hurting. It’s is also used by many high level athletes for recovery.”


So look, I’m all about trying new things when it comes to health. But what I thought was really cool about Ryan was how much I could tell he cared about his clients. I went in on a day that they were closed and he still took questions from someone who stopped by. There’s some things you just can’t fake, and caring about people is one of them.


They also offer teeth whitening.


“Our teeth whitening is through s company called smoke labs. It is painless and very affordable. You can get up to 10 shades whiter with a 30 minute treatment.”


I do not endorse people who I cannot stand by, I think y’all know that now.


So, if you have someone in your life who loves fitness or wants to get in better shape, you should call (478) 333-2169 and buy a package for them. Or stop in, they’re located on 151 S Houston Lake Rd #100, Warner Robins, GA 31088. For more information check out their website here.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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