I Think I’ve Lost My Mind: Bragg Jam 2013
UPDATE 2:15 pm:
How could I forget to mention Arts @ The Park? It’s going on until 4 pm if you want to catch it, there was a good size crowd- just enough to be fun but not overwhelming. The Children’s Museum and the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame are also open which provides a lovely air-conditioned reprieve from the heat, which in of itself isn’t really that bad. There’s even a rock climbing wall for kids old enough!
And my friend Danny Davis, of JuBee and the Morning After, is leading Kid’s Karaoke- which is entertainment enough…
So, I’m covering Bragg Jam tomorrow as one of my first assignments for The Cluster, the student run newspaper for Mercer University (*side note, I’m pretty sure I am the oldest person they have ever had on staff… as I will turn 31- thirty freaking one- while there… but for whatever reason they chose me to be an editor). My goal: see as many bands as possible. That’s rather vague, I know.
So I took this schedule, and looked at which bands I wanted to see the most:
So, that proved to still be hard. Next step, choose bands I want to see by time they are set to appear. This method has me set to watch each band for anywhere from 30 minutes to maybe an hour max each. But the good news is, it looks like everywhere I want to go is right around each other- the Cox, Rookery, Crazy Bull, 567, etc. There are also some bands that I am already familiar with, and as much as I would love to see them- I want to check out some new stuff.
So yeah, as I sit at home watching my friends post on their Facebook pages from the Patron’s Party (ill that I am missing it)- I’m figuring out my schedule tomorrow.
This is what my schedule looks like as of now- THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE:
EDIT- yeah an edit already at just past midnight and the post is like two hours old…
I gotta find a way to see the Rabbi and Friends also… I meant to say as much to begin with. Also, two members of JuBee and the Morning After will be performing with them. So that has to happen somehow.
Back City Woods– I have noted to go from 5:45 til 6:15/6:30; I actually used to work with one of these guys at Enterprise Rent-a-Car, the good ol’ days back when I was preggo with my first kid and before my first real promotion. So yeah, gotta see them. Even though I have before.- Cox Capitol Theatre
Megan Jean and the KFB– 6:30 til 7:15/7:30; I have actually seen them once before when they were at Grant’s Lounge but this husband and wife team is totally bad ass, their lyrics are just dark enough to be fascinating and edgy without coming across as fake, added bonus- they are playing at the Crazy Bull, which I got to take a tour of last week and as far as I know the Cluster will have the only pictures of the unfinished club including upstairs, this will be their first showing for Macon before even their official grand opening. – Crazy Bull (Second Street)

Thomas Wynn and the Believers ** not sure if I can really make it to this one as it overlaps with the next one, but I really want to get to at least one act at Grant’s Lounge**- 7:30ish til 7:45; every band performing at Grant’s has a band member related to someone with a tie to Capricorn Records, so I would really like to make my way over there at some point. – Grant’s Lounge
Woolfolk – 7:30 ish til 8:15 – So, my editor Emily knows someone in the band, so we’re hoping to score an interview after their set; from my short and limited Google research they seem to have ties to Mercer- pretty sure I recognize at least one of the band members names; their Facebook page says they are “nEo designer folk rock”- I don’t know WTF that is but I’m going to find out. – The 567
Paceface – 9:00- til 9:30ish – I know I said I’m looking to check out acts I haven’t seen, and yes I got to see Paleface briefly the last time they were in town, but I didn’t really get to hear them for long; this artist who was friends with Beck and has his own Wikipedia page (I’m sorry I’m a dork and yes I use that as a measurement of influence- so I guess I should writer my own page) who also creates visual artwork…. phew!… this artist is someone I’m going to make a point to see again. – The Rookery
So far- five acts down- and yes still more to go!!! Now you know why I titled this ” I think I have lost my mind”- cause I am clearing aiming to see way too many acts…
The Whiskey Gentry – 9:45 til 10:30ish- This band actually does have a tie to middle Georgia, someone in the band is related to someone I know. I am only aware of this after posting a link to their Kickstarter, which I think I ran across thanks to Sean Pritchard of The Blue Indian; very cool band, kind of reminds me of The Civil Wars except hopefully not breaking up anytime soon. They are on my Spotify list so I want to see them before they blow it up big and they end up on The Grammys like Alabama Shakes and I find out later I missed them when they were in Macon (true story and yes I am still pissed). Oh and they responded to my Facebook messages during their Kickstarter, which is really cool. – Cox Capitol Theatre
Floco Torres – 10:30 til 11:00 – I mean really? Does this need explanation? The man modeled with me during my first Muse Project photo shoots. He also let me interview him here about his style. So it’s not even about the fact that he’s a bad ass artist who just released a new album. This is my friend. It’s happening. Deal. – Fowl Play
Hank Vegas – 11:00 til 11:45ish- I vaguely remember seeing them when I was younger, but really this is more because (from my understanding) this group of people knew the Bragg Brothers, who this whole shindig is name for. I think it’s more than fitting to make it a point to check them out. – The Rookery
The Dirty Guv’Nahs – 11:45 til 12:15 – They sound awesome on their website. Other than that, pardon my ignorance, I don’t know a whole lot about them. And if nothing else they’re rather good lookin’ in their picture (see below)- ladies you will thank me later! – The Cox

Sterling Waite and the Cotton Avenue Hustlers – 12:15 til 1:45 – Yep, I know this band too. So maybe it’ll be more like, I see half new bands and half ones I am familiar with. But, it’s going to be the end of the night. I’m sure I’ll be exhausted. I want to end the night with bluegrass. That is all. Oh, and they retweeted my post about Bragg Jam. Now, that is all.
If yall see me out tomorrow night, feel free to waive me down so I can get pictures of you and your friends for the article. If I am totally oblivious, like, get in my face and scream at me. I promise it isn’t on purpose. I’ll probably just be tired.
And if I am, feel free to get me Red Bull.
Tired already and love to all y’all,