I Fell for this Instagram & TikTok Favorite


For the whole story:

And when I say fell for it- I mean I don’t know how I lived without it before now.

We have all seen the Instagram and TikTok ads for mushroom coffee blah blah blah and I just squneched up my face at them. (I think I just made up a word.) First of all- I hate mushrooms. Gross. Second- I love coffee. So I can’t imagine replacing it. At. All.

And then I saw the ads for the sleepy time hot cocoa- also from mushrooms.

Picture me rolling my eyes so hard.

But then they reached out to me and asked if I would try it. Full disclosure: I told them I would only do a Reel/promo work if paid and only if I liked it. Done and done.

I read the instructions carefully because I just wasn’t sure about this, truly. I have a serious aversion to mushrooms. How could it taste like chocolate?! How could it work?!

Needless to say, I made the cocoa and added in some creamer and cinnamon and truly was wowed by the taste. I used it every night for a week!

I’ve gotten amazing sleep, had vivid dreams for the first time in ages- and from what I can read this is a good sign? Shows that I wasn’t getting good REM sleep? I couldn’t find a sleep specialist to go on the record, trust me I tried.

Now this doesn’t mean that this is the only thing I did to address my sleep issues. I also moved my mattress around (I could literally feel it starting to sink in lower on one side). I also got neurotoxins in my jaw area so I don’t clench my teeth in my sleep anymore. But going to sleep, staying asleep, AND waking up feeling good?! It’s crazy how much this has helped!

And look, I could sit there and do my one IG Reel that I agreed to do for them but honestly there wasn’t a way that I could capture how much I liked this without both a longer YouTube video as well as a blog post.

Now here’s the other funny thing- so yes, this stuff has melatonin in it, and I think most of us who have taken melatonin know you’re not supposed to keep taking it for long. After about a week of drinking his hot cocoa I’ve been able to ease off of it and STILL haven’t had a dip in my quality of sleep. I’m not exactly sure if this is like, now that I’m sleeping well my body is used to it or what… but that would make sense to me. However I’m not a doctor so please do know I’m not diagnosing myself.

So now that I’m done gushing over this- in case you’re curious I’ll go over what exactly is in it.

Now, I’m shocked that there’s just 3 milligrams of melatonin because usually if I’m taking melatonin I need at least 5 mg’s in those gummies for them to work. But this thing knocked me out FAST. So I did some Google-ing about these ingredients to learn more, here’s screenshots of what all I found and links:

Link here: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-aids/glycine-for-sleep

Link here: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-aids/glycine-for-sleep

Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8555286/

Link: https://www.healthline.com/health/l-theanine#benefits-and-uses

Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201807/zzzz-zinc#:~:text=Zinc%20doesn’t%20seem%20to,spent%20asleep%20when%20in%20bed).

So anyways- I hope all of this info helps y’all out with making an informed decision! It worked beautifully for me, and I hope it can help you, too.

PS- I FORGOT! I have a code you can use: LOVEMOLLYKATE15!

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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