Hot, Tired, And Too Much To Do

I’m a grumpy girl right now.


There’s too much happening this weekend. And I can’t make it to everything. It’s not physically possible. I’m tired. I’m hot. And I’ve got way too much to do.


Last night was the first Taste of the South Craft Beer Festival at Just Tap’d. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, one drawback of my new job at The Southern Weekend is I’m not as plugged in to what all is happening in Macon anymore. But, I decided might as well go and check it out.


I’m not exactly sure HOW many people were there, but it looked like a lot. Congrats, Macon, you showed up to an event even with the threat of a rainout.


While I stuck to one pint of beer, festival goers got to sample multiple different types of beer from around the South. There was also a cornhole tournament I believe presented by the Peach State Ale Trail- I’m guessing as much because Chris Tsavatewa was running around with a microphone.


Of course, my highlight was getting to play with my new friend Henry. Actually, he’s always been my friend- but after entertaining him last night he counts me as HIS friend now, too. There’s a difference.




Today I went to my kiddos soccer game, which is always fun. And then raced to downtown- ha, raced! I didn’t mean to do that pun- to the annual Magnolia Street Soapbox Derby. Where I also ate from the Food Trucks: Mac the Cheese and Tex’s Tacos. #yum








And then later tonight…. you’ve got the Macon Pops Jazz Orchestra at the Cox Capitol AND Beards, Bourbon, & Bacon at the Cannonball House. The Cannonball House event starts at 7, and then the Pops show at 8.


OH- and Second Sunday starts back tomorrow!


This Southern Bon Vivant is tired already…. time to get my rear in gear for tonight. Hope to see y’all out!


Note: This also means all of my piles of clean laundry will sit in the hamper for at least another week. Hey- at least they’re clean!!!



Love to all y’all,






Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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