Going to NYC Fashion Week? Here’s How to Prepare! Guest blog from Tiffany Style


Meet Tiffany!
Photograph by RebeccaYalePortraits.com

Tiffany Olson is an old friend of mine- we go back several years now! She is another fashion blogger here in Macon and also writes a fashion column for Macon Magazine. She has some of the best style I have ever seen, seriously! She is also a stylist with fab’rik in Macon. She is preparing now for her annual trip to New York Fashion Week so I thought who better to ask for tips? Exactly- read on folks to see how this truly Southern lady prepares for one of fashion’s biggest events…


This will be my fourth season attending fashion week and I think I finally have my pre-fashion week routine and preparation down to a science.  It can be quite overwhelming, but the end result is always an experience to remember!!  Here we go!


Tiffany where she clearly belongs- Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week!

1. Coordinate Outfits in Advance

Of course, some change once I’m there but it’s great to have a few go-to outfits you can throw on when you’re in a pinch. I try to be realistic about which heels to wear and for how many hours.  I like to take note of the ratio of girls in heels versus girls in flats on Day 1 of Fashion Week versus Day 7.  Eventually everyone caves (except for Rachel Zoe!).


2. Technology

I can barely keep my phone charged AT ALL during fashion week.  I’m on it constantly.  Looking at the map to find where my next fashion show or trunk show is located… trying to find the closest Starbucks… pulling up barcodes to get into shows…  This is why all of your chargers are important! I always have an extra charger in my purse at all times. I even bought one of the wireless chargers so you can charge when you aren’t near an outlet! (It just got serious!)  Also: camera, memory cards, cord to upload pictures… all a MUST!!


3. Comfort

I always have a couple of advil on hand in case the combination of excessive heel wearing and lack of sleep/time to eat start to result in a lovely headache. Band-aids are great to have in case your shoes start to rub your feet. I am also certain that just about every single person at fashion week has plenty of breath mints on hand.  Very important!  Roll up flats are just about everyone’s secret weapon at fashion week. (I have a theory that even just wearing your flats at the end of the night for the cab ride home and getting into hotel save your feet a tiny bit for the next day. Ha!)

5. Getting down to business

I do all my research on each designer before I arrive so I’m up to date on all the news and can ask relevant interview questions. Keeping business cards handy is quite important!  Also, recently I’ve started working on perfecting the “20 second spill” you can give to tell people about yourself when you meet someone new! Most fashion week go-ers meet dozens of people a day so I think it’s great to have a well thought out spill on who you are, where you’re from and what your deal is!  In general, you only chat with people a couple of minutes at a time (usually waiting for a show to start), so I think it’s great to make the best first impression you can, while also giving them something to remember you by.


Phew! Wish me luck!!


You can follow all my backstage info, runway photos and general fashion week blabbing on my twitter account! @tiffanytweet or@CupcakeMag_Tiff OR follow the drama over at my facebook page – or of course visit my blog www.tiffanystyleblog.com.  For my complete reviews on every show I attend, you can visit www.cupcakemag.com!!


Good luck Tiffany! Not that you need it cause you certainly don’t. Be sure to follow Tiffany during her trip to New York Fashion Week and after! She’s one of the people I follow for sure- she even did a giveaway to Neiman’s on her blog recently. If you keep your eye open who knows- maybe she will do another?

Til next time folks! Love yall!

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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