Dedicated to the Ones I Love

One of my favorite songs is the Mama’s and the Papa’s “Dedicated to the One I Love”:


“Each night before you go to bed my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
And tell all the stars above
This is dedicated to the one I love
(Love can never be exactly like we want it to be)”



I love that the song sings about saying a prayer for someone they love.


This weekend is the culmination of so many prayers for those that I love. Friends who wanted babies. Friends who adopted. Friends who bought a new home or who welcome friends into the one’s they’ve long-lived in.


Today is Mother’s Day, and while my mom and I certainly have our ups and downs- who wouldn’t when working on a new house and a new business?- I love her with all of my heart. When I was a little thing I can remember her singing “You Are My Sunshine” to me whenever I was sad. To this day it makes a little tear (ok maybe more) come to my eye.


She is the woman who picks up my kids from school, feeds them a snack in the afternoons, and also deals with me working on this new business. No easy task by far! And she creates these amazing candles that so many people love.


I’ve got so many friends who are amazing women. Nicole, who is having her very first Mother’s Day thanks to a wedding- which also brought a set of step-daughters, son-in-law, and grand-daughter. Karen, who had her second baby recently- after getting married for a second time, to a wonderful man who treats her as she deserves. Her oldest son is a great kid who is also a great friend to mine. Tori, with her adopted little man- a chosen baby love. So so many others, Jill, Susan, Jessica, Britt, Becca, Andi, Erin- I could really go on forever. I know so many awesome ladies who are the strongest mothers I know. I draw inspiration from each of them.


Yesterday, my boyfriend graduated from law school. I can’t believe I forgot to get a photo of us together in his robes! Whoops.


Untitled design-21


He managed to do this along with meeting me last year. And I was sick for maybe the first month we dated. This was because I started a new job, and whenever I start a new job I get sick for about a month. Ear infections, sore throats, etc. This time I delayed going to the doctor for so long that I spent one Saturday morning genuinely thinking I had pneumonia because I had trouble breathing.



So proud of this guy!!! @nathancorbitt #mercerlaw2017 #mercerlawgrad

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When my boyfriend, still a new boyfriend at that time- I’m not even sure if I called him that yet, insisted on picking me up and quite literally carrying me to the doctor that was when I knew I loved him. That he was special.


He is more than special. He not only took care of me when I was sick, but he’s also gotten to know my kids. Formed a bond with them.


He also was baptized in my church last month. With all he had going on, graduating from law school and everything that comes with it, he also took the time to study to get baptized. And has helped me on my home renovation.




I should also note a special thank you to both of my grandmothers. Each are the epitomy of Southern grace, charm, strength, and education. Each are college graduates. Each are lovely.


Thank you to all in our lives to help to make each day special- one particularly fun story is about the flower arrangements for Nathan’s baptism:





There’s two special ladies who don’t have children, but they are helping me to give birth to a play I wrote. A series of short stories being adapted for the stage. Helping me give breath to my pen name and character I created for some of my darker writings. In that regard, Mother’s Day is for them as well.


Then there’s my children. My sweet, amazing, perfect even when they’re not children. The ones who made me a mother and showed me what is was to love unconditionally. They inspire me beyond anything I could have imagined. Words cannot ever adequately express the depths of my love for them. Every attempt to do so feels like a cheeky and cheesy attempt which always falls short of my goals.





Nathan and my mother and my friends and my kiddos all share something. They love me, an extremely strong willing lady who is used to fighting for what she wants in life.



For that I am always grateful. For them I always will be grateful.


Although I would challenge one part of that song I love- love CAN be exactly like you want it to be.



And this is dedicated to the ones that I love. Thank y’all.



Love to all y’all,






Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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