Chia Seeds- What To Do With Them?
I can’t remember how exactly I ran across the suggestion to consume chia seeds for health purposes- I think I got the idea when I first saw that Roasted was carrying these “Saquito Chia Energy Snack” mixes. And then I went and looked it up and found out that chia seeds are really good for you.
From the website
” [Chia seeds] help weight loss. Chia Seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper.”
Um, really?! Score! The site further explains that chia seeds help you feel full by absorbing 10 times their weight in water and are great for athletes to help hydrate the body. They are also the richest plant source of Omega 3’s, containing more per ounce than salmon. They also don’t have to be ground like flax seeds. Win win win.
Now, once I did all this research I happened to see plain chia seeds on sale at Fresh Market. I picked them up and really was at a loss for what to do with them. I have put them in my yogurt and also eaten a spoonful with water. I couldn’t chew it up because the seeds are so small (some websites say you can use a coffee grinder to grind them up) but I did swallow them whole. I wouldn’t recommend doing that the first time, because I felt like I was swallowing sand.
If you are looking to try this for the first time I would recommend trying the products carried at Roasted. I sampled some the other day and it’s really tasty. They have dried Goji berries and other grains- which makes it a lot easier to eat alone as a snack throughout the day or even with a meal.

And then, another blog tells us that chia seeds were the basis for… did you guess it?… Chia Pets. Damn near blew my mind for real y’all. So I guess that kid who ate paste in class, maybe if by some off chance he ate the Chia Pet seeds too he was pretty far ahead of us. Not sure why it didn’t register with me that this is what chia seeds were. Wellness Mama tells us you can, not much surprise now, use them to grow healthy sprouts also.
All of this to say, if you are looking to counteract the petit fours I told you about yesterday– this is a good way to go. Just stop in the Roasted, they have them at the register.
*Note: I have been really happy with my own results with these. I feel a lot better and have more energy throughout the day.
Love to all y’all