A Very Busy Weekend…. Saturday Part One- Wesleyan Market

So, I outlined for yall what all I have going on for Friday but guess what- it doesn’t end there! Yall also know that every Wednesday finds me at Mulberry Market but what I haven’t talked about in a while is the market that came before it: Wesleyan Market.

Most of you who drive through the north part of town on this second Saturday of the month will see a bunch of tents and tables in front of this first college formed for women. What you may not have known is how it got started. Well, I had the chance to speak with Hannah Doan, assistant to the Director of Auxillary Services, about it.

MIWM: So tell me, how exactly did Wesleyan Market start?

HD: ” The market started in 2008, after a trip of students/trustees went on an SLI (Student Leadership Institute) trip. They saw a market similar happening in that city (sorry, forgot which city they went to), so they decided to bring it to Wesleyan College and start something similar. The market used to run from April-October, but since last April we have moved it to being the 2nd Saturday of every month.”

” Since the launch in 2008, the market has gone through many changes. In the beginning, the market would host around 10-15 vendors. After a year or so, that number grew to 15-20. I took over the market April of 2012, a month before I graduated. After I was offered an auxiliary position on campus, I took the market and ran with it. We average around 40-60 vendors each market, comprised of local farmers, artists and small business owners in the community.”

” I also like to include as many non-profit organizations, pet adoptions, and live music as I can find.”


So of course, I had to ask what the impact is to have both Wesleyan Market and Mulberry Market happening in the same town…

HD: “Having several different markets in one town has proved to not be a challenge, but more of a boost for everyone. The farmers, artists and small business people have more avenues to showcase their products, and most of the markets don’t overlap (or they can staff out to other markets and be in two places at one time). Chris (Kiker- of Community Health Works) and I worked together on the online CSA through CentralGeorgiaGrown so that’s definitely been helpful in terms of networking with the other farm and food vendors in Central Georgia.”

One thing that I know I am looking forward to this weekend are the sliders that Rocking Chair Ranch will be cooking on site… yuuuum! If you aren’t aware, they are the local cattle farmers who also provide beef to The Rookery. Interested to see who else will be on site? Check out this list:

Shamrock Apiaries (honey and honey products/soaps)
P.E.O (cold drinks, books)
Dale Watts (paintings & note-cards)
3V Farm Candles (natural, soy candles)
Greenway Farms of Georgia (jams/jellies, produce, soaps and herbs)
Mrs. Beakson’s Bakery (scones, cookies, breads)
Rocking Chair Ranch Cattle (grass fed beef)
A Dog and Her Girl (gourmet dog treats)
Merritt Pottery
Danielle Lodge/Dawn Nash (produce/plants)
Trent Wilson’s Bluberries
The Little Farm (organic produce)
Evergreen East Meats (pork and chicken)
SELAH Farm (gluten free snacks, bread, produce)
Brandywine Farms (strawberries)
Save-A-Pet (animal adoptions)
Master Gardeners
JJ Botanics (organic body products)
John’s Cakes (the best espresso brownies around!)
Circle W Plants
Woofs N Wags Boutique (custom pet accessories)
Macon Lions Club
Matt Miller (farm-fresh eggs)
Oliver Farms (homemade oils)
Mr. Taylor (Boiled Peanuts)
Merritt Pottery (handcrafted bowls, jugs and sculptures)
Sam Jones’ Dairy (raw milk)
Dickey’s Peaches
Super Comic Creations
Southern Dandee Designs (custom jewelry)
My Father’s Place Farm (produce)
Barbara’s Garden (plants for every season)
Kevin Bridges Woodworking
Georgia Heirloom Tomatoes
Lita’s Naturals (natural body products)
Southern Dandee Designs (jewelry)
Michael Bradshaw and The Georgia Peach Co. (see ad to the side)
East Georgia Produce
Breedlove Farms (produce)
Arielle Schlesinger (totes, quilts)
Velvet by Vicki (organic soaps)
Wooden Trash to Treasures
The Dragon’s Nest
Neal Redd (hand-crafted walking sticks)
Rizzy Pops (gourmet ice pops)

…with special performances by the Young American Music School!

Located on Wesleyan’s front campus (Forsyth Road)
9am to 1pm!
Bring your friends, family, neighbors and dogs!



Hope to see yall there… before I eat *everything* in sight…


Love to all yall…



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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