Goals for 2018 (And Where I Could Use Your Help!)

Some of these are small, some of them are big. But I’ve got LOTS of goals for this New Year, even though we’re almost in the third month of it, and some of them I could use your help with! So here they are, in no particular order:


Write More

I’ve got to get back into writing for places other than just here. I took a break from that last year, and I miss it. So let me know about your favorite publications, big or small, print or not. Preferably paid gigs, but for the right spots I don’t mind doing a free guest blog post.


Also, finish one of my books this year. I’m just so close! There’s no reason not to! I’m so super close, over 55,000 words.


Read More

Being a better writer also means reading more. What are your favorite books? Which ones do your kids like, because part of reading more also means reading to my kids more.


Better Health

I’ve got to eat healthier in general, more salads and such. And I can’t let my busy schedule get in the way. So that means more using the Crock Pot. What tips do y’all have? Any tried and true recipes?

I’m also committing myself to doing more yoga. I am a LOT happier when I keep a regular yoga practice- thank you Sparks Yoga! Check out my inversion, y’all! I’m so proud I actually managed to do this:



(photo by Amber Marie Pierce)


So I’m going to make that a priority along with the gym. I’ve also gotten a little bit of help with Magnolia’s in Forsyth’s weight loss program.


Better Financial Health

Wow, so I’m really lucky that I’ve found a job that allows me some financial security. Being a fulltime freelancer is stressful, and there aren’t many jobs in the marketing field here. I’m lucky I landed something in HR/Recruiting. But I’m going to start doing some freelance writing/social media marketing again. A little bit of extra money here and there can help out a lot, and I’m making it a goal to get better about smart spending, investing, and so forth. I’ve also been inspired by following my friend Kate’s financial coaching, you should give her a follow!

I’m also going to be better about sticking to a budget. This doesn’t mean I can’t still travel and have fun or take the kids places, it just means I need to plan it out ahead of time and stay within pre-determined limits. I’m always interested in how others determine their budgets and what kinds of tools they use. I, personally, stick to a simple Excel sheet.


Part of this also means expanding our business- so if you know a business that would be a great fit for Southern Bon Vivant let us know! We’re so thankful for all of our vendors, so please go and support them: Travis Jean Emporium, Clarity Skin Solutions, Southern Sugaring, Cachettes, & Karats and Keepsakes.


Stay Organized

My life runs much smoother when I am organized, imagine that! But I’ve got to keep decluttering. I’ve been selling items through consignment websites and going to our local Plato’s Closet. When items are rejected by both of those, sometimes just due to style or demand, but are still in good condition I’ll take them to one of our local charities. Crisis Line & Safe House is my first choice, then also Goodwill and WEAR in downtown Macon.


Kids Activities

I’m starting to sign the kids up for more activities. They have really enjoyed cheerleading and Boy Scouts, but it’s time to add to their educational opportunities. We’re deciding to add piano for the moment, and likely also gymnastics. Of course, this means more budgeting and more organization.

We’re also getting better about doing more activities in our community! There’s so much to do out there. This also includes going to more Mercer athletic events, there’s too many out there not to!





Volunteer More

The nice thing about my work schedule is that I can volunteer more. Specific events with Historic Macon and NewTown Macon are at the top of my list, along with an awesome new arts & culture festival called Connections Macon. I really am excited to tell y’all more about it! And I’m helping out on the sponsorship committee  for the Magnolia Soapbox Derby! Woot woot!




Let me know if you want to be a sponsor- time is running out 🙂



Learn a Language

I’ve started using DuoLingo to learn French, I tried learning it in high school- but it didn’t exactly stick.


So far, I’m off to a decent start to 2018- but I know it’s going to keep getting better. I hope the same for all y’all as well!


Love to all y’all,




Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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