32 Is Going To Be Awesome

It’s about an hour and a half until my birthday as I start to type this. 32 is not a milestone that is really celebrated or lauded as being anything terribly special, but for me it’s the start for what I hope will be one of the best years ever.


Some of you may remember a post I did a while back about one of my best friends moving, and how it basically broke my heart. Well, I’m happy to tell y’all that he reached out and we decided to date again. I’ll have another post sometime later about that, when I feel comfortable sharing the details of that to the world- but just know that I am happy and in love. I honestly questioned if that could happen for me again.


Today, I am 32. I had my love with me all weekend as we celebrated the love of friends getting married, and he gave me a bracelet from one of my very favorite places: Tiffany’s. What can I say? The man knows me! He’s gotten me a necklace and earrings from there, so that was really the only thing left 😉


Today, I also had my last Leadership Macon class. These people are also my family. I walked in late, as I had breakfast with the BF (would it be too trite to refer to him as Mr. Big? help me come up with a Non de Plume for my guy!) and as classmates started to tell me Happy Birthday, Vinson would play the tune on his trumpet and everyone began to sing. I’m surprised I didn’t cry. ( Yalonda- I didn’t cry!! Are you proud of me?!) And tonight we have our graduation.


Even more than that, I have my sweet babies today. I think I’ve said before that their father and I share custody of them, I thought it was best at that time to not drag them through a custody dispute, and so we split the time. I’m so glad it worked out that I have them today! Birthdays aren’t the same without your little ones.


And so, I have nearly everyone who is in my heart with me. That includes you, dear readers. I work so hard to bring y’all what I hope is a product that you are proud to read and be a part of- tonight I will show you my new logo and new name for the site. I hope you love it as much as I do!


My sign off is “Love to All Y’all” because I really do wish you each love- and I am grateful for each of you.


And so, love to all y’all-



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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