Wonderful Wednesday- It’s Market Day!


It’s Mulberry Market Day!

I’m a huge fan of the Market. It’s been rather eye opening to go and to pick up items such as Brussels Sprouts and realize there’s a huge difference between locally farm grown ones and those in the grocery stores. Why? Because many times our food items are enhanced with growth hormones and sprayed with pesticides.


I don’t know about yall but I really do feel a lot better about myself knowing that the items I am buying don’t have all of that junk. And it makes me feel better about what I feed my kids also. There’s so many reasons why we as Americans are getting fatter and more unhealthy as years go on. Is it solely due to the unnatural items we are consuming? No of course not. Hell we used to walk everywhere too.

One other thing I like about the Market is I am more likely to try items that I might not otherwise. I have bought in to a CSA, Community Supported Agriculture, group with The Little Farm out of Gray. As part of this, I get a pre-determined amount of items each week. Sometimes items are included that I might not otherwise use. In this case since I have paid for them I make sure to use them.

Last week, I also discovered a new vendor. I don’t have their name in front of me and I think they had run out of cards, so I’ll need to refer to the can of salsa at home. (UPDATE: Everly Nursery, Woodstock, Illinois- packed at River Valley Kitchens, Burlington, Wisconsin) But Holy Sweet Baby Jesus they made the BEST marsala and salsa sauces ever. Like, ever. And they had these really yummy cucumbers also.

I also got a bag of Pearson Farm’s peaches from The Georgia Peach Company, blueberries from Griffins Farms, strawberries from Forsyth… all kinds of yummyness!!!

So be sure to get out there today- the Market opens at 4 pm and is very busy by 5 when I usually get down there. Hope to see yall there!

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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