Why Aren’t We Talking About THIS Sorority Fact?

Most of us have read the controversy surrounding the Alpha Phi recruitment video at The University of Alabama. But unless you’re a member of the Greek community you might not be aware of some things.

According to the National Panhellenic Conference, the governing body over all Panhellenic sororities, for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, with 399 out of 575 answering, there were:

977,567 hours donated to community service efforts


$5,793,394.84 raised for philanthropies.

Instead of talking about those numbers, we’re so focused on the recruitment video for one chapter at one college which may or may not reflect their chapter as a whole.




Another point: womens’ sororities were founded at a time when very few women even attended college. Let’s talk about Alpha Phi for instance. Alpha Phi was founded in 1872 by ten young ladies, when only 20 even attended Syracuse University- where they were founded. Of those founders, 2 received their PhD, and 7 received their Masters degrees. In the 1800’s. That’s something else we don’t talk about.


Instead, sororities are an easy target because they represent exclusivity. But we don’t condemn other organizations for seeking out members for exclusivity. Not everyone can join every leadership program, or academic organization, or music organization- you don’t see me trying out for musical theater because I haven’t had a voice lesson since high school. And if I did try out, I would deserve to get cut. So why do sororities get targeted? Perhaps it’s because those outside of them don’t understand what there is to be gained from being a member.


Let me tell you what I gained from being in a sorority. I gained friends. I gained a shared ritual with women around the world who know how special it is to be an ADPi. I gained an appreciation and respect for the sisters of other sororities. I learned the value of leadership within an organization which has carried me throughout my life.


That’s not to say I always appreciated those things when I was an undergraduate student. In fact, there were times when I could have cared less about being in a sorority. It was as an adult that I grew to understand what this can mean, if I wanted it to. And it’s as an adult, that I grow offended when I see others attack the system, without fully understanding what it means to those of us who are a part of it- and for those who are able to benefit from it outside of the organization. Just talk to any of the philanthropies who receive volunteers and donations from sororities and fraternities. I bet they would have a story to tell.



977,567 hours donated to community service efforts


$5,793,394.84 raised for philanthropies.

Just let those numbers sink in.

Love to all y’all,




International Badge Day was March 2nd of 2015 (see image)

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 969 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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