Who Wants to Whiffit?
Woot woot! Contest time!
Who wants to Whiffit? Do yall remember the post I wrote about these? (It’s ok if you don’t- here’s the link: http://makeitworkmolly.com/whiffit-whiffit-good/ )
I’ve got a few to give away…
So let’s do this: first three people to refer 10 of their friends to Whiffit’s Facebook page will win a package. Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/Whiffits?ref=ts&fref=ts. Make **sure** your friends say who sent them to qualify. But wait! There is a second part. You also have to tweet TO ME @MakeItWorkMolly “I want to @Whiffits”. So, two things: refer ten friends to their Facebook page (make sure they post on the wall who sent them) AND tweet to me @MakeItWorkMolly I want to @Whiffits
Simple! Let’s go 😉 I’ll announce winners either tomorrow or whenever we get them figured out 🙂