This Toy Store Has Everything You Need for Christmas, Birthdays, and… Easter Baskets? Yes!

I’ve been shopping at William’s Fun Smart Toys for YEARS- and there’s always something new I learn about them. So- if you want to know what their top picks for toys are, then you’ll want to read this! They just got back from a HUGE toy fair. And, I never knew this before, but toys are some of the hottest items for kids Easter Baskets. And there’s still a few of their favorites left… read on!



Q: So tell us, what does one have to do to prepare for a toy fair? If it were me, I think I would just want to play with everything there! Ha! But I’m sure y’all have to have a plan?


Yes, we love playing with everything, but the first thing you need to understand is that the NY event is HUGE. An area larger than seven football fields is jam-packed with vendors. It takes us three full days to walk all the floors, and that includes a lot of sprinting past booths that don’t look promising. One thing we have learned is to take a list of the catalogs we already have, since you can pick up a hundred pounds of them before you know it!


Q: What were you top picks at this event?


We picked up a new product called Goblies, which are washable, throwable paintballs and play paint you can load into a squirt gun. Kids can make what looks like a big mess, but the paint is plant-based, washable and biodegradable.


We like Toki Dough, which is from the makers of our top-selling Mad Mattr. It’s like Play-Doh but doesn’t dry out or have any smell, which are the two main complaints about Play-Doh. We should have this in by late summer.


We were very excited about the outdoor toys from SimPlay3. This is a new company started by the founder of Little Tikes and The Step2 Company who got bored with retirement. We always liked Little Tykes, and this is a fresh take on outdoor toys. We are still working out the logistics to have these in stock.



Q: If you had to pick one thing there, what do you think would be the hottest toy for Christmas? You know us parents love to plan ahead.


As you know, we try to stay away from short-lived fads and concentrate on toys that last, but one theme that’s here to stay is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). We think toys have to be fun, but if the child learns something in the process, that’s great! It’s hard to narrow our pick to one toy, but we are looking at several that would complement our local schools’ emphasis on robotics.


Q:  A little off topic, or rather switching topics, I’m hearing that now’s the time to shop for Easter baskets? What’s some of the things we need to pick up ASAP for kiddos baskets?


We’ve had Easter shoppers for over a month now, but it isn’t too late to pick up something to go along with the usual candy. Our most popular items are the small tins of Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty, LED bouncing balls, and small craft items. Peter Rabbit plush dolls are still a hit! Children have been reading about Peter Rabbit since 1901, and the new animated movie has captured a new generation.



Q: I never had cool things like that in my Easter basket, it was nothing but candy. This sounds like a marvelous alternative! Woo hoo!



So, if I were y’all I would not delay but instead get to William’s Fun Smart Toys ASAP for that Easter Basket swag 😉


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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