Top 10 Ways to Spend Happy Single’s Awareness Day

I’m not exactly sure how I always manage to end up single during Valentine’s Day- but it’s not really all that bad to be honest. It’s actually kind of fun to be single on Valentine’s Day, otherwise known as Happy Single’s Awareness Day. No pressure of finding the right gift for some dude you won’t end up staying with, and you don’t have to be disappointed by a crap gift. In fact- you can get your own badass present for yourself that you would like even better! Here’s some ideas I came up with while figuring out how I would be spending Valentine’s Day alone:



10. Burn His/Her Old Stuff

You know you’ve got a pile of things that still belong to your last DB ex. Everyone does! Or maybe just a pile of things that remind you of the moron you cut you loose from their life. We’ve all thought about setting fire to that shit so just go ahead and do. While you’re at it- go ahead and open up a bottle of wine and invite some friends over to join in and bring their own pile of junk. Besides, what were you going to do with all that stuff any way? Make a voodoo doll out of it? Ohhhhh…. maybe you were? In that case….



9. Hit the Gym

It’s healthier than making a voodoo doll. And also, there’s the added bonus that it creates endorphins and stuff like that. Maybe finally use that free pass at the gym to meet with a personal trainer. I love my trainer, Emily, at Kinetix. Probably cause she laughs at me and doesn’t let me get away with distracting her while I try to avoid workouts. But the biggest bonus is, you’ll be even hotter for your next relationship. Don’t even try to lie you know you want to make sure your ex sees you in even better shape with someone who is twenty times hotter than him. Not like it’s hard to do- I mean, look at you- and look at him- what were you thinking dating that guy anyway? You can do so much better! And…. you might meet the new guy at the gym! Which means it’s time to….


8. Go Shopping

Shopping is an amazing way to celebrate everything YOU. So what if you’re single on Valentine’s Day? Buy that hot dress! And that way when you and your friends go camp out at the bar on Valentine’s Day, you’ll be ready when that random law student walks in lost, head just emerging from a book, forgetting what day it is and just wanting a cocktail. Or if not that, there’s always the fact that jewelry and dresses and shoes makes a girl feel good. Not feeling good about yourself? Sparkling always helps! May I suggest checking out Karats and Keepsakes (they have new dresses in), or Rumor Boutique– they have a Soulpepper Designs trunk show on the 12th! And then there’s my new favorite: L. Windham Designs.





7. Troll People on Tinder

Ok, this one involves a little more effort. And maybe you don’t want to do it in a small town like Macon. But I made up a fake Tinder profile once for a forthcoming column so it can be done. Make up a fake email address, then a fake Facebook account (upload fake photos of you), and then create the Fake Tinder account. Or hell use your real name- whichever. Say yes to everyone. And don’t be mean to everyone- some poor souls out there are really looking for the one! But what about the assholes just looking for a hook up? Have some fun with them and let them think they have a chance. OR you could really freak them out an go all Single White Female on them.



unless, of course, they propose marriage to you first- then you can have all kinds of fun
unless, of course, they propose marriage to you first- then you can have all kinds of fun



6. Troll People IRL With Your Best Gay Friend

We’ve all got one: the gay bestie who is all parts beautiful and sarcastic and witty. And gay men dress better than any of our straight boyfriends anyway! Get all dolled up and make a date with your amazing gay BFF and make fun of the straight couples in only the best most fabulous way possible.





If you’re going to do this- I suggest getting dressed up ALL the way: full length gown, him in a tux, and the best jewelry possible. I’m a big fan of Bashinski’s! (Photo credit: Lindley’s Photography, location Dovetail.) 


5. Set Up Friends

Ok this one is serious. There’s not a whole lot better than successfully setting up your friends! But give it some serious thought- because there’s not a whole lot WORSE than a failed set up. Especially with promises of “you two would be PERFECT together!!!!” when you know damn good and well they wouldn’t. Unless, of course, you don’t really like either one of those people- in which case it might be kind of funny. (No it wouldn’t- that’s mean.) But really, it’s nice to do something for someone else! And the best part is- they will usually return the favor your way later on. (Carrie- I’m looking at you!! J/k, but not really.)


4. Get a Makeover/Pamper Yourself

I know every website will say this, but it’s true: pampering yourself does make you feel good! Just like shopping, going and getting a mani/pedi or a new hair color can do wonders for the soul. It’s one thing I really love about doing photoshoots. Yes I love the styling and acting out of a character, but it’s also fun just to let someone else style my hair and put on my makeup and let me really SEE how different I can look! I love the facials at Spa Medical– and my recent experience with their Botox has been the best I’ve ever had! Terri and her crew see to every last detail and I know you will leave happier than you could have hoped for. (See video below!)




Jenny and Amber at Amanda Jane Salon in Macon are amazing, and if you’re in Athens go see Shayne at Model Citizen Salon for your hair and Jeni at the M.A.C. counter. Savannah, perhaps? Courtney at Glow Medical Spa & Beauty Boutique lives up to the name of her business: you will leave glowing for sure!


3. Flirt With Whoever The *bleep* You Want

Some of us are just flirtatious! Or- some of us are really just being nice and it comes across as flirting. And some of us are just tired of whatever guy we’re dating at that time thinking that being nice to whoever it is saying hello to us in the Kroger is flirting. But hey- being single means not having to worry about hurting dude-of-the-week’s feelings over a simple “hello” and getting guilt texts about it later. So go ahead and flirt it up with some randos. (i.e.: random people)


2. Go to the Fanciest Restaurant, Camp Out at the Bar, and Watch:

Watch what? Watch the best restaurant amateur hour since Prom Night. Seriously! For those of us who are professionals at restaurant-goings, most of us will likely avoid getting dressed up and going out to the nicest restaurant on Valentine’s Day. That’s not to say V-Day isn’t a good night for restaurants, it’s typically a gangbusters night for them. And the best ones will have a really cool prix fix menu for the evening. Grow, for example, has a lovely prix fix lunch menu! And Harpin’s will have something special both Friday and Saturday for Valentine’s. Those are two of my favorites, and you can likely avoid the craziness at both of those places. Why? Because….


It’s also amateur hour. The people who never go out during the year will go out THIS NIGHT. And it’s fun to watch them bumble through it. Be sure to tip your server or bartender well if you venture out this evening, because while a big turn-n-burn restaurant server will still do well- your Mom and Pop places will likely have a few campers…. which can hurt the server in the long run. So really, if you’re going to go out- might as well even grab a table. Just make sure you tip well and take care of your server. They deserve it.


1. But What if I’m In A Relationship?!

Throw everything I just said out the window, because deep down- us single peeps really are happy for y’all. Even if we might be a little bit jealous. In this instance, go ahead and book a reservation at the fanciest restaurant that you never go to, get dressed up with your love, get the expensive flowers, the jewelry and the chocolates. Because love really is lovely- just make sure you do the little things throughout the year to show one another that you care.


Love to all y’all!



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Ways to Spend Happy Single’s Awareness Day

  • February 9, 2015 at 5:48 pm

    Setting two people up who you don’t like. Mean, yes. Funny as all get out, ab-so-lutely.

    • February 9, 2015 at 5:55 pm

      Hee hee


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