Tons of Fun for You and Your Little Ones and Everyone (No, Seriously, Tons)


Some of the most fun kids’ events in Middle Georgia are happening this weekend- and there is a LOT going on this weekend.

Friday night features the return of Friday night movies at Luther Williams Ball Park- every 2nd and 4th Friday night- with drinks and snacks available for purchase.

One particular event has:

25 to 30 vehicles
a Macon-Bibb County patrol car
the Macon-Bibb D.A.R.E. car
the GBI Bomb Disposal Unit
a UPS truck

and more for your kids to tour first hand. It’s the Junior League of Macon’s 4th Annual Touch a Truck!! It’s from 10 am until 2 pm at Northway Church on Zebulon Road- and only $5 each.

This event will help promote the Junior League of Macon’s focus of early childhood literacy, school readiness, and school partnerships in a fun, hands-on environment.




Touch a Truck is a family-friendly one day event that will allow children of all ages to come look in, climb on, hear stories and learn about a variety of vehicles and modes of transportation. “You will be able to see a fire engine, ambulance, police car, bomb squad vehicle, dump truck, and more!” says Deanna Ricketson, Touch a Truck Chair “We will also have concessions, washable transportation tattoos, and a reading center for your enjoyment.”  The Junior League of Macon has also partnered with Campus Clubs, L.H Williams Elementary School, and the Motivating Youth Foundation, and provided tickets to deserving students to attend this hands-on event. 


Also this weekend is the Magnolia Street Soapbox Derby, my friends are already buzzing about whose car will win and the fact that there will be the return on the Mac n Cheese Food Truck on the scene. The sunDollars will be performing as well as my friend DJ Shawty Slim, B.o.B.’s OWN tour DJ.




I almost forgot about Bearstock happening at, I believe, the same time. So… Saturday’s schedule looks like this:

Touch a Truck- 10:00 am
*** park along College Street in between Washington Park and Mercer University***
Soapbox Derby- 12:00 noon – eat from the food trucks at the derby
walk to Bearstock at Tattnall Square Park- somewhere around 3:00 pm
then break at some point for dinner either in Mercer Village or head downtown to Roasted or Rookery or Doughboy Pizza- PHEW!!!!


And then…. Sunday heralds the return of the Second Sunday concert series!! Seven Handle Circus will be performing and let me tell y’all- I saw them last weekend at the Cox Capitol Theatre and they were amazing. They even did a cover of “This Is How We Do It”- and I swear I started laughing because they were SO GOOD and it was SO unexpected! After their set they told me there was another song that they cover- I won’t give it away but I hope I hope I hope they play that one too. It’ll set the crowd on fire.


photo by Watch Molly Shoot



photo by Watch Molly Shoot
photo by Watch Molly Shoot



Um, I think this blog post can also be titled ” Nobody in Macon Will Be Sleeping This Weekend- AT ALL”.


Go ahead and take Friday to rest up while you can y’all- it’s going to be a fun ride.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 968 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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