To Seek Refinement Rather Than Fashion

Fashion- from Merriam Webster online:

a : a prevailing custom, usage, or style

(1) : the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time (2) : a garment in such a style <always wears the latest fashions>
or, according to Make It Work Molly: a trending clothing, accessory or other item one can wear that can be considered “trendy” in a particular moment or time.
Refinement- from Merriam Webster online:
: the quality or state of being refined : cultivation
 [more refined; most refined] : having or showing the good education, polite manners, etc., that are expected in people who belong to a high social class
I read a quote recently, William Ellery Channing, part of which stated: ” [t]o seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion…. this is my symphony.”
I think this is a great way to draw a distinction between those who simply follow fashion for fashion’s sake, for the sake of being trendy and in the moment, as opposed to those who can take current trends and meld them with items of the past to create something truly fashionable, something refined, something worthy of the “Art” aspect of fashion.
One of my favorite designers to follow on Instagram- Michael Costello- and one of his recent creations. Love this.
You see, there is a reason why fashion designers typically go to some kind of art school- and even if they don’t, why fashion merchandising and other studies are featured prominently in art schools. Because it is art!
I even think one can take items, such as The Man Repeller’s most quoted harem pants, and make then refined and elegant. I have a bit of a beef with other fashion bloggers like The Man Repeller and others who seem to dress outrageously and site is as simply being fashionable and not caring what others think. This will be just the first part of my analysis on such writers, but I take some offense at this. As if I, and others, are dressing to please those of the opposite sex. While that may be the intent of some, it is not always in the forefront of my mind.
Sure, there are times when I say to myself “I know my guy/some guys will really get a kick out of this outfit” whether it be because of a short hemline and whatnot but in most cases I’ll look in the mirror and ask if I am pleased with the results. Dressing up and dressing well, even if in harem pants or jeans is mostly about me and making myself feel good. It’s not to reel in or even repel a man- or anyone for that matter. It’s not about stomping my foot like a child and saying “dammit- I’m going to wear this because I like it!!!” It’s about refinement, the elegance involved. A quiet effortlessness.
Perhaps this is the Southern quality of how I dress. Now then again, there are times when I will dress in a way that is meant to be bold and daring and out there- but it’s not about others. It’s still about me and satisfying my own artistically driven needs to put together something that is visually stimulating.
More on this subject later… but until then….
Love to all y’all-

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 969 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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