The Petit Four War: Round 4 (aka- forget my diet)



Who knew that when I started this project that petit fours would be the next in thing?!


At least, that’s what I’m told…. by my mother…. who is biased.


Anyways. For those of you not aware, one North Macon bakery has closed suddenly, which is actually kind of good timing for the second one to open. (Goodbye Hello There Cupcake.) But this is really just an extension of an already booming business.


The Casserole Shop has long been a favorite of mine, as many of you may know. They have served me through countless family and friend gatherings, Friendsgiving events (Eleta- I just remembered my casserole dish is still at your house from Thanksgiving- so sorry!), funerals, babies being born and more. But several months ago they bought out Caroletta’s Cakes, and the other day they opened up their bakery featuring not only these cakes- but also doughnuts, pastries, and of course petit fours.


I went in the first day and they were sold out- but went ahead and bought two boxes of their thumbprints cookies. Two boxes because I already know in my house that one just isn’t enough. And they were gone like that. And I also ordered petit fours for the next day.





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Good lawd y’all- they do not disappoint. I’m so glad that they sell these very convenient small bottles of milk because I had to have a petit four right then and there- and then a second one. And the milk was very, very good with it. What is it about milk and sweets?








These petit fours are about a medium size, something in between Williamson’s and Wilson’s sizes. But their icing is thicker, and the sweetness is largely concentrated in that icing- the thickness of which allows it to come in to the cake but only once you take a bite.




I would highly recommend checking out The Casserole Shop’s new bakery. They also have these blueberry doughnuts- ahhhhh. Omg. They gave me a sample while I was there. 😉 And the smiley face cookies….



Thank GOD they are next to Pure Barre- I’m going to have to get a membership there after all of this. (It’s also kind of brilliant cross-marketing don’t you think?)


Where are YOUR favorite petit fours? Have you tried any of the ones I’ve written about?


Love to all y’all,




Casserole Shop on Urbanspoon

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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