The Cake Girl of Downtown Macon: Amanda’s Cakery

I think most everyone in Macon has had a cake from Amanda’s Cakery- or if they haven’t they really should. Most recently, I had Amanda and her team make my sweet babies cakes for their 4th and 5th birthdays. I think you can see below just how amazing they turned out:



Not only were they beautiful, but they were delicious as well! And a tremendous steal for the price- I had enough cake left over that I could even be “that mom” who sent cake to school for both of their teachers. I’m not above getting brownie points with the teachers!!!

So, I thought I should let y’all know about this small business owner right in the heart of downtown who is always giving back to OUR community in so many ways….


MIWM: Can you tell us how you started out in the cake business?

Amanda: I initially started working with the late Karen Holleman of Karen Holleman Cakes, also affectionately known as Macon’s ‘Cake Lady.’ I responded to an ad in the Telegraph for a baker’s assistant. I had never worked in the a bakery and the only experience I had in a restaurant was waiting tables.  I was looking to learn something new and more importantly pay my way through college. When I called the position had already been filled and paid nearly nothing, however with persistence and a promise to make her a cake, I was hired.

Within eight months of my employment with Karen, I was making wedding cakes by myself, though still terrified of a sheet cake and trying to fill all that space with creativity and decor. I easily preferred to make a 7 tiered wedding than a 12×18 sheet cake.


photo credit: Robin Gatti Cook for M Food and Culture Magazine


MIWM: Can you give us some advice about how to find the right person to make a cake for your event?

Amanda: If you’re looking for a wedding cake, choose a baker who is inspected and who follows the food safety guidelines. You want to treat your guests with food that has been prepared properly. Be sure the baker is insured, so that if something does happen on the day of your wedding they will be financially stable to indemnify you for the wedding cake & groom’s cake. Be sure to set up a cake tasting, it’s fun and good way to taste cake and get your cake(s) designed. & most importantly, get the cake of your dreams. There are several talented bakers and cake decorators who own local, legitimate bakeries, so you should not have to settle with the same cookie cutter cake design. A custom cake design is what I recommend, so choose someone who can execute the design too; see some of the cake decorators’ work.

The wedding cake should be beautifully designed to the couple’s liking and taste delicious too! We are known for our pound cake flavors. Our most popular cake flavors is almond, vanilla, lemon, & chocolate. I recommend a neutral flavor for the wedding cake, or choose a different flavor per tier. We offer more cake choices of course, and an infinite amount of cake fillings too! If it isn’t on the menu, just ask, we can make it!



MIWM: Tell us about some of the challenges to having a small business and what gives you the most joy as well?


Amanda: There is a lot to running a business, and sometimes I don’t always get to do my favorite part- baking! What really brightens my day though is my customers! I love making them happy. It makes my heart sing when they choose me to make cakes for their lifetime events.



IF for some crazy reason you haven’t had any of Amanda’s Cakes or cupcakes, then you can have your chance at FREE cupcakes during this year’s Cherry Blossom Festival.


March 24th, from 11:00 am til noon Amanda will be giving away free cupcakes– but only while they last so get there early! They are on Cotton Avenue right in the heart of our downtown Macon.



So…. I think it’s a good thing I went to the gym today- I might need to splurge on some cupcakes….


Love to all y’all,



Amanda's Cakery on Urbanspoon

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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