I Was Terrible at 90’s Fashion

It’s true.


To be fair, during the bulk of the 90’s I was in middle school – I graduated high school in 2001- and I really didn’t get any sense of fashion until I left the private school I attended for much of my life and went to public school. Something about leaving a class of roughly 60 kids and going into a school with class sizes that were 300+ will embolden you.


Nonetheless, I recently realized that I had terrible fashion sense until around the year 1999 because my children’s school is doing a  90’s cover band fundraiser this weekend. Last year it was the 80’s, so of course people dressed up, and it’s my understanding the same is expected this year.


I texted one of the other moms for advice because… well… I realized I knew nothing about the fashion of that decade. By the time I started caring about it we were practically already into the new millenium. Would I get it wrong?! I have vague memories of Delia’s catalogs and whatnot, not that I was ever allowed to order from them.


This is also when I realized that I owe a giant apology to anyone who suffered through my terrible fashion choices in middle school. My deepest apologies to you all. There’s no way I was going to attempt to repeat that.


So off to Pinterest I go….


Most of the outfits I find to start off with are some kind of weird hipster rip off of the 90’s… or, at least, I think it is. Or maybe that’s really what the grunge look was and I just missed it at the time? Either way, not my speed. So next to look up specific people from the era. Jennifer Anniston, music artists from the time, etc.





I’m starting to understand why I was not very fashionable at this point in my life.


Feeling a little bit defeated, I vented to- of all people- my mother as I reminded her that I needed to be at this event and don’t forget I’ll need you to babysit.


Mom’s every so often have pretty good ideas, after all- I’m a mom myself and I have them often- right? – just go with it yall- And my mother suggested I go with Britney Spears. Actually, and I think she was giving me more credit here than I am due for all of my time in the gym lately, she said “do you still have your Britney Spears skirt from high school”?


Nope, don’t have that skirt. Even if I did. no one would want to see me in it, my gym progress hasn’t been THAT dramatic. But… perhaps that would work? The outfit was pretty similar to that first Jennifer Anniston photo… and I still had some elements of it.


So here we go, baby, I’m going to attempt to dress like Britney one more time for the sake of my kids school fundraiser. After all, last year’s 80’s outfit was inadvertently inspired by Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” – I literally just googled Madonna outfits and thought no further- so this seems similar enough.



So y’all come out and see me make a 90’s fashion fool of myself all over again, hopefully not as bad as I did before, at the Rock The 90’s Show at the Capitol Theatre this Friday February 7th.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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