Small Business Saturday Re-cap and Cyber Monday Preview

Ah…. the holidays. The smell of Christmas trees, hot chocolate, the hopes for snow in Georgia (but not like Snowpocalypse), and the panic of gift giving.


By now, most of you know that I’m big in to shopping locally. Of course, I’m not always able to do that, I won’t lie. However I did spend a great deal of my Friday and Saturday promoting as many locally owned places across the South as I could. Anyone who follows my Instagram feed most likely caught a glimpse.


But what did I actually purchase? Well, first we stopped off at William’s Store on Ingleside Drive In Macon, Georgia. They’re by far my favorite children’s toy store. I took my kiddos in there and had them go ahead and make out their Santa list, and yes we did end up purchasing a couple of stuffed animals- since they were behaving.







Next, I stopped in to Rumor Boutique on Forsyth Road. These ladies will always have a special place in my heart because they were the first to sign on as advertisers both here on the website and when I was working with Macon Food and Culture Magazine. And they have a HUGE sale going on right now! I’ve got items from them that I’ve been wearing for years, they always hold up well.






I got a new pair of jeans on sale there which are probably some of the *softest* feeling jeans ever. It’s the Paige High Waist jean in a dark denim color. Jeans are a bit of a sensitive subject for me right now because, by my own fault, my weight keeps fluctuating. So whenever I can get a good pair on sale, I do. Ever since I turned 30 years old I can never quite predict how my weight will run, so I honestly like to have a pair of jeans within a range of sizes. And if you buy a good pair of jeans- i.e.: not cheap- then they will last. I promise. I have some jeans that are 10 years old… and I would wear them, if I could.


I also got a Soul Pepper necklace, on sale, at Rumor. And a black, slinky top. What I love about this top is it covers up my still-there-baby-belly but still has a sexy neckline.


Hashtag me #WinningBlackFriday!!! Then it was off to Karats and Keepsakes, where my son picked out a necklace to be “his Christmas present to Mommy”. #traininghimearly






So, technically, I did all of my shopping on Black Friday but they were small businesses. Saturday was spent keeping y’all in the loop via Instagram (and by the way- go follow me there if you haven’t:


Tomorrow is Cyber Monday, the day when most places run their “best” online deals. I would urge you to still shop local- but local doesn’t just mean in your own hometown. It can mean shopping with places outside your immediate community that are also independently owned. Some of my favorite online retailers are Flirt Fashions, Athens, Georgia; Page 6 Boutique, Ft. Mill, South Carolina; Diana Warner, New York and Nashville, Tennessee (or in Macon at Karats and Keepsakes); BleuBelle Boutique, Savannah, Georgia; Red Clover Boutique, Savannah, Georgia; Satchel., Savannah, Georgia; Moon & Lola, Flagship store located in Apex, North Carolina (or in Macon at Rumor Boutique). In Macon, you can shop online with Robinson Home (note: one of our Food Writers, Katie of Macon Cakes, teaches classes there) for fine home goods OR you can also purchase class tickets. Another Macon-based business is Knot & Bow Designs, and formerly of Macon is Betsy Pittard Designs. Another great deal is if you have a child in your life who loves music: My First Music Discovery class is offering a special for readers! Enter code “Molly2015” for their Winter Class, registration starts today for the winter class starting January 6th and this deal is good through December 20th. (My kids took this class and we loved it.)


(Note: I’m hearing BleuBelle will be having a special Giving Tuesday event for those of you in Savannah, where they will highlight some charitable organizations.)


Lauren Nameplate Necklace by Moon & Lola



Needless to say, I had a successful shopping weekend- and it isn’t over yet!


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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