Shop Local, Paddle Local, Tube Local on the Ocmulgee River
We’re hearing there’s not much of a set up by AllSouth Tubing here. In fact, I called them this morning to see when they could start renting. I got a answering machine that said they were closed today “due to the weather” but that they would be open tomorrow, and to go to their website.
Not sure about y’all, but it looks bright and sunny to me today. In fact even my weather app says it will be all day long:
Original Post:
Here in my hometown of Macon, Georgia we’ve got a bit of a brouhaha building.
Two companies have placed bids to be the sole concessionaire for Amerson Park. One is from Macon, the other is out of North Georgia.
I first jumped into this when I heard the local company wouldn’t be chosen, and was told I could email the procurement officer to ask about the scorecard.
“Good afternoon,
I was instructed to email you to request to see the score cards for Ocmulgee Outdoor Expeditions & AllSouth Tubing.
Thank you,”
Short and to the point. It was at that time that I got a phone call stating I could not have that information without an open records request, and then a follow-up email citing this code:
“Public disclosure is not required for pending, rejected, or deferred sealed bids or sealed proposals and related detailed cost estimates until the final award of the contract is made, the project is terminated or abandoned, or the county takes a public vote regarding the sealed bid or sealed proposal, whichever comes first.
O.C.G.A. 50-18-72 (a) (10)”
I then pointed out their own langauge, that it is not required. My response was met with an email from one of the city attorneys furthermore explaining why I had to file an open records request.
I’m not going to lie to y’all, my temper was boiling at this point. But I had a meeting scheduled for the following day in which they said they would try to shed some light on this process.
I learned that there is an evaluation committee which looks over several factors regarding bids: experience, timeline of the project, pricing, and so forth. Being locally owned counts for 5 points, whereas experience may count for as many as 35 points.
Here’s the publicly posted resolution from Macon-Bibb recommending AllSouth:
7-26-2016 – Res Agrmt Allsouth Tubing Concessionaire Program Amerson Park by Molly McWilliams Wilkins on Scribd
Now, my issue was I wanted to see the scorecard before this Tuesday’s vote. I wanted to know WHY our local vendor, Ocmulgee Outdoor Expeditions, didn’t win the bid. Was it reasonable? Was it money driven? What was it?
Those in the meeting with me, the procurement officer, a city attorney, and two people from Parks & Recreation assured me this was not a money thing. I want to believe it wasn’t, but the fact of the matter is I don’t know.
I filed an open records request about this, but am awaiting that information. I hope I receive it in time.
I certainly understand if another company rightfully and fairly beat out our local vendor, but the fact is unless I and others can see the scorecard before Tuesday’s vote how can we know?
I was told that our Mayor and Commissioners CAN waive the right to hold that information- which honestly I still say is simply policy and not the law but whatever. So I would recommend calling your representatives on this matter. Here’s a list:
Office of the Mayor
700 Poplar Street Macon, GA 31201
P: (478) 751-7170
Welcome back, @BibbSchools faculty & staff! Our students & community are looking to you to guide our future. #VictoryInProgress
— Mayor Reichert (@MayorReichert) July 25, 2016

In the meantime, if you are concerned about this as well, feel free to check out this petition on the matter:
I have to be further honest, this whole thing makes me very concerned. As a small FEMALE business owner I have to wonder if women have enough representation with the commission. Perhaps it’s time to change that.
Love to all y’all,