#SFW2014 Savannah Fashion Week: Interview with April Johnston

I totally geeked out when I saw this email appear in my inbox, that April Johnston- who was on Project Runway AND when it was still good- granted my interview request.



Get composed- even if it is just for me and in front of my own computer.

April is like… I mean she’s a designers designer. She’s what like, James Dean is for male actors. Totally bad ass.


I'm such a fangirl right now- I totally want to do this hair for a photo shoot
I’m such a fangirl right now- I totally want to do this hair for a photo shoot


And being perfectly honest, for me myself, I’m not sure I could pull off many of her items. I’d like to think that I could but I’m just not sure of it. And I say that with total awe. When her items come down a runway- they are art. And every designers items are art- don’t get me wrong. But while I would wear a dress that reminds me of a Monet or Renoir or Degas- April Johnston’s work is like that of a Salvador Dali. Mesmerizing in it’s own unique beauty.


MIWM: What is your design aesthetic? What inspires you to create?
AJ: My aesthetic tends to draw  tension between dark ideas and society today.  I like to leave my viewers in a state of thought, hoping that they leave inspired to research my inspirations and themes more.  I like to not only create a show, but an experience..
MIWM: If you were to describe your style in two words what would they be?
AJ: Gothic Revival
MIWM: Do you think fashion should be attainable for all people? Why or why not?
AJ: Yes, fashion is self expression whether it comes from the runways in NYC or Savannah, GA.. it is fashion and everyone has a different idea and style when it comes to fashion.  That is why I love what I do..
MIWM: Who would you say is your ideal customer?
AJ: The very powerful woman.
MIWM: Do you ever make custom items for customers who may have a certain design in mind?
AJ: All the time.  I work alongside them to make a perfect 50/50 custom garment with still staying true to my style
So, am I the only one who when reading “The very powerful woman” kind of took a deep breath in and thought to herself: ohmygosh- that’s so me! No wait, is it me? If it is me would I be questioning this? Ha- anyways.
Thursday night is the big event!!! I’m going to be there with my friends and the winners of my contest- I SO hope to see y’all there! And I’m doing a special giveaway for the VIP ticket holders!
Love to all y’all,

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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