The Quarantine Food Diaries: Volume 1

EDIT: I knew I would forget one! We also got a massive order of pulled pork from Satterfields early on ๐Ÿ™‚ Love love them.

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We’re about a month and a half into this situation- and I have to be honest, I naively thought it wouldn’t last this long. I don’t know why, but for whatever reason I did. Otherwise I might have started writing this sooner. However, I did and didn’t and so here we are.


I am grateful for all of the grocery store workers, for the restaurants doing massive pivots, and have a new appreciation for farmers and supply chains and wish I had perhaps gone to business school to learn more about these things… aside from the fact that I couldn’t pass accounting.


With all this said, my family and I have had the most fun with our foodie escapades. It’s a simple way to keep us entertained and it also keeps me from having to cook all the time. I don’t know WHY it’s more stressful now, prior to the pandemic I still made breakfast and lunch everyday. I guess with lunches it was more of a routine- they got the same thing each day for a week and I didn’t have to administer the meals: they were packed and sent to school. Breakfast was a quick routine as well. Now, it feels like it needs to be its own show. Along with dinners. A single mom on her own can only do so much, y’all.


So thinking back to the beginning of everything that’s been going on- I’m going to try my best to remember everything we’ve gotten so far in this edition and will update as we go along. Because it does seem that it is prudent to continue quarantine.


March 24th: I only know this date because I posted on my Instagram that we went to Decadent Dessert Bar in downtown Macon for desserts. We may have overloaded on it, but it was worth it. Banana Pudding Cheesecake. A giant rice krispie. And icing filled cookie sandwich. Killing my waistline on day one.


Fairly early on, maybe the next week? Nope, March 30th- thank you iPhone for dating photos. We had a delivery from Mary Virginia Cakes. This was both a tasty dessert AND an activity- double the win.


Same day, once the kids had decided they were getting sick of hot dogs- well, actually my daughter did, my son could have them all day every day and be fine. ย This was when we would get El Som. SO MUCH FOOD! Individual chips and salsa for each person. Soup for my daughter. Cheese quesadilla for my son. I don’t even remember what I got but it doesn’t matter because everything there is good.



This is also around the time we decided to make a blanket fort in the living room. Note: it’s still there, made larger and reinforced.


April 3rd: Chicken Salad Chick drive through- both for the food and to pick up earrings from Sage & Sparrow since their owner, Holly, is a mutual boss babe and also manages CSC. Kiddos weren’t too sure about chicken salad, though they were on board for the sugar iced cookies. Next stop, Chick Fil A! I will say, I enjoyed using their curb side with a mobile order. Easier than drive through IMO.


This is the same day my daughter decides to get on my TikTok since her older cousin told her about it… on my Snapchat.


April 4th: Not exactly related to food I ate but food clearing out of the freezer: discover my ex boyfriend, who I met in 2016, had somehow managed not only to KEEP coffee beans from 2014 but also moved them to my home in 2017. Smh. But it’s ok, I have Second hand Soil for composting so hey… there’s that.


*side note: I’m so annoyed that this won’t show right side up despite displaying as such in the photo editorย 


By April 7th we’ve moved into the at-home-baking part of quarantine food, and I have to wonder are you even quarantining right if you haven’t tried some basic baking because stores are low on baking powder. I digress. I had impulse purchased some fancy butter from Banner Butter Atlanta a while back… so we got to have fun and put chocolate butter in our toll house cookies with no chocolate chips because someone had eaten them all already when we ran out of regular chocolate. Someone might have been me. Kiddos then used the rest of the piped frosting from their Mary Virginia Cakes order on their cookies.


April 10th: By now my daughter has timed her whining about not having food she likes absolutely perfectly because I also happen to catch that Circa has their Surf n Turf sushi. Two orders of sushi and fancy chicken later my kid is dancing with glee and refusing to share “her sushi”. I would share the photos but they honestly don’t do it justice. I happened to talk with their manager later who told me they sell out of it everytime. With good reason, also.


This is also when I catch my kid on camera with her “sass mouth”. This is where we are. Also the next day is when my daughter decides to make full use of the makeup YouTubers shes been watching to do MY makeup and take photos of me in a full length dress riding her scooter down the street. Again- this is where we are at this point. If you’re listening to this via the podcast right now just trust me, you’ll want to get to the written part of this to see the photo I post below.


April…?: My wallet needed a break at this point, so now we’re on to homemade Kombucha juice and I have to say- I think my first batch turned out decent! I did pick up some new local honey from friends of mine based in Gray- it’s called Wayside Farms Honey and it is divine.


April something, last week on a Thursday I know that: JAG’s Pizza- our first time here and I went ahead and got a large because there wasn’t a big price difference between that and the medium. And it was huge! I also liked how the crust was on the thin side- just a little bit. But that’s a personal preference. I also got the California club sandwich and I was really impressed with whatever seasoning they used and the BREAD. Bread can make or break a sandwich and this was on point.



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Need a pizza pick me up in Macon? Look no further than @jagspizzeriapub in Mercer Village!

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April 24th: Which means the prior post was the 23rd and I’m too lazy to go back and edit but hey- no problem with typing out even more to say as much- picked up FOUR casseroles from The Casserole Shop. I was nice and shared two with my parents, but brought the Breakfast Casserole and Poppyseed Chicken home with me. So far, I shared a minimal amount with my children. And I may have also eaten the chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at one point. So good. The Breakfast Casserole is still in my freezer, gotta plan ahead and all.


Also April 24th, I got LUCKY LUCKY and got the call from Tokyo Alley that they could fit me in for dinner that night! After they already had over 200 orders going back as far as Tuesday night! Whew! My dad was super happy about this. I also failed to order dessert so I was able to swing by FOJ and picked up enough blondies and brownies to last… well… it should have been a few days. It wasn’t. It was worth it. And we got a STEM kit from U Create Macon! Win!



April 25th: My neighbor posted about making Rosemary Simple Syrup. I have a lot of rosemary. I made it. Then I also put mint and lime in it! So good. So simple! Hence the name I suppose.


April 26th: We were all damn stir crazy at this point. Drove out to Dickey Farms on the off chance that strawberry picking wasn’t busy. The peach packing part looked to be very busy and my heart sank- but the strawberry part was free and clear! Very few people there, so I felt safe stopping in. Kiddos and I each had masks, and I had brought Lysol spray as well as hand sanitizer. We used the items to make strawberry pie, strawberry simple syrup, and later strawberry jam. I also put some in the next round of kombucha juice. I’m starting to feel pretty handy over here!


All in all, I can’t believe we’re just a month and a half into this. Who knows when it will end, but we will do our best to stay home- continue to use Click List, going out only when needed. I know others are making other decisions, and at this point I don’t know that it does any good to comment one way or the other. I’m tired. We’re all tired. And if nothing else, during all of this I managed to stumble across my favorite devotional. I thought it was lost forever, I should have known it would reappear when needed the most.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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