A Moonhanger Kind of Day: H&H, El Camino, and Dovetail Part 1

All I missed that day was a stop in the Rookery. Or, as my daughter calls it, “you know- that place with the milkshakes, the place under Dovetail”. She’s only 6 and already has high taste.


Anyways, the day started out with a hurried morning to go to soccer and losing the game in pitiful fashion against a team that was older & had more practice than ours. What was one left to do? Go get a good Southern breakfast for lunch, of course.


It was an odd hour when the game got out, around 10:00 a.m. but kiddos were starving and their dad needed a ride so all four of us piled in my Prius for a random trip to H&H.


My parents were never really big on cooking anything extraordinary or even going to restaurants, which may explain my facisnation with both and my reasons for taking my kids as many places as possible. That being said, I also didn’t grow up going into the old H&H. Hell I didn’t even have NuWay til I was in college because that little red dog freaked me out.


So we sauntered into H&H, kids for some pancakes and eggs and bacon, their dad for pancakes and eggs and grits, and me for something off of their new biscuit menu.




Their new biscuit menu has all kinds of speciality biscuits, and they all look amazing:




I elected to get The Dovetail Biscuit, since they were sold out of The El Camino. The Dovetail consists of pork tenderloin, fire roasted apples, and bourbon mustard. I wasn’t exactly sure how it was going to be once I realized the pork was fried, I’m not sure big on fried pork, but with the apples and the bourbon mustard- it was oh so sublime. And there wasn’t too much bourbon mustard, either. It’s so easy to way over-do that.



It’s so easy to under or overwhelm with the southern staple that is a biscuit. But I was very happy with mine.


After our H&H trip it was off to judge the Cherry Blossom Parade! I do love a good parade and I loved getting a behind the scenes look at it all.



Behind the scenes of the @pinkestparty parade #maconmade #maconga #cherryblossomfestival

A video posted by Southern Bon Vivant (@southernbonvivant) on


How was the rest of the day? You’ll have to check out Part 2 to see!


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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