You May Be the Only Jesus Someone Sees Today

I’ll be honest, I was only halfway paying attention during the week’s sermon. My head was filled with lists upon lists.


This Monday would be my kids first day at a new school. It was not a decision that their father and I came to lightly.


For me, it was so hard because I went to both private and public schools- and had a much better experience at my public school. I loved being around so many different types of people and having experiences outside of what I was used to in my every day life.


I believe that strong public schools are key to any community- and that in many cases in my own town, public school teachers are some of the hardest working people we’ve got.


I struggle here to talk about what went wrong in our school, how we almost missed it, how bad it could have been if we didn’t find out. We did our best to address the problems with administration, but the response we got was far lacking what we needed. I was heartbroken. It was even more heartbreaking to see the lasting results on my kids.


It was with that in mind, that I knew I could no longer sacrifice my children to my ideology. Reality set in hard. So hard.


But in the rush of getting into a new school in a short period of time, we have found grace abounds in our new school community. A new group of parents have welcomed us into their fold.


And while all the lists in my head during church kept running through my head- remember, you’ve still got to get the belt that the uniform requires!- Father Bryan said something that immediately stood out to me.


You might be the only Jesus that someone sees today.


With this big change, I’m praying so hard for my children to see Jesus in their new school. Not just because prayer will be welcomed in their everyday school lives, I know that will be there. But I’m praying that they make friends. I’m praying that their little hearts and mind can be healed and move forward in a positive way.  I’m praying that their little minds can grow and accept the challenge. And I’m praying that they can be the Jesus that someone else needs to see.


I pray this for each of you as well, for we all need to have at least a little bit of Grace in our lives.



Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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