Macon’s Own Supermodel: Sabrina Sikora

this was originally posted in my Make It Work column in Macon Food and Culture Magazine, August 2011: To view images and the full, original article please click the above link. This blog has been shortened from the original article.

August, 2011

Macon has had many talented people come out of her fine boundaries – Otis Redding, Little Richard, The Allman Brothers, the list goes on – and we all know who they are. But none are quite the same as Ms. Sabrina Sikora.

To be very honest, I was a little star struck myself the first time I met her and still star struck again when she actually responded to my email request for an interview. That may seem a little odd to some of you – because, frankly, she is a year younger than me and she and I have many mutual friends. Perhaps it is like that episode of Sex and the City when Carrie says “being beautiful is like having a rent controlled apartment overlooking the park – completely unfair and usually bestowed to those who deserve it the least.” If anyone I know is close to that analogy, it would be Sabrina Sikora – except for the part about not deserving it.

But what is interesting is not just that she is pretty, not just that she can walk the catwalk, but all of the other many things this young lady has accomplished. She sent me her résumé and it is jaw dropping. I didn’t realize all she had done – not only in front of the camera, but now behind the lens.

Perhaps I should start at the beginning. For those of you who don’t know, Sabrina got her start right here in Macon. As she tells me, “When I was 10, I took a modeling class that lasted six weeks at Sears in the Macon Mall. I loved it! After that, my mom helped me write letters to all of the department stores and teen-type stores at the mall. We included my sizes and photos and asked them to call if they ever needed a model. Only the junior clothing store ‘5-7-9’ came back to us and booked me to do freeze modeling in their window for 15% off an outfit.” She then started to work with a friend of her mother who was also a photographer. His own children had grown tired of modeling for him, so Sabrina took over. “I was so stiff and appeared so uncomfortable in all the shots, but it was a great first way to learn what to do on a shoot and to start getting an idea of how things looked on film.” Her mother followed up by sending her pictures to Elite in Atlanta, and Sabrina was initially turned down saying that she was too young (13 to 14), and then again saying she was too thin (size zero and 5”10’).

Sabrina’s mother’s diligence would pay off when she sent photos to a contest with Teen Magazine. “I was selected as one of the top eight finalists in the country out of 20,000 entries! I ended up flying out to LA at age 15 and shooting for the magazine in an attempt to win the cover. While I did not win the grand prize, I was featured in the magazine and got my very first tearsheets. Next, I returned to Atlanta and competed in the Elite Model Look 1999 competition where I placed in the top 5 and was offered a contract in Atlanta. Elite was my first agency and they taught me how to behave on jobs and what was expected of me. I fully credit them with whipping me into shape and teaching me how to be a true professional in this industry.”

Sabrina would start traveling for her career at age 15, her first trip being to LA for the Teen Magazine Maybelline Great Model Search. She then flew to Miami and NYC at the age of 16, and when she was 17 relocated to Milan, Italy. “I landed 40+ magazine pages (tear sheets) and two covers which brought my book to another level.” During this time, Sabrina was a student at Central High School, and she greatly credits the school and administration for working with her. “I attended Central High School in Macon and the administration was very supportive, allowing me to make up work when I was required to miss school for bookings due to my contracts. I was always the nerd on bookings sitting under the clothing backstage at runway shows studying for tests.” Sabrina also attended Wesleyan College majoring in Communications with a dual minor in Psychology and Photography. She is, by no means, your stereotypical model! Fast forward to 2004 when she would move to New York City permanently, really allowing her career to take off. This is also when her personal life would take a major step – she met her husband and love of her life. He would be the catalyst for her next move to Hong Kong, as he had a job offer there. She has been there for four years and tells me that she loves it. She still models, but “it is not as fast paced as the NY scene was. I am able to pick the jobs I do and set my own rates. I am repped by two agencies here and they have been wonderful to work with. Most of my bookings are beauty (face) and parts bookings, which are my favorite because I do not have to do crazy amounts of cardio and I can still work for great clients.”

Now, that being said, this industry has allowed Sabrina to gain knowledge from her vast exposure to behind-the-camera work. If you go to, you can see for yourself how this experience has played perfectly into a photography career. “I find the photography is so personally satisfying. I love working with new models who may have never seen themselves professionally shot and enjoy their reactions when they view the raw shot on the back of the camera. They are in awe of themselves and what they can become. Their mothers are even more impressed once they see the shots! I get the same rush seeing the beautiful images of these models as I used to get from seeing myself in a magazine.” If you want to be shot by Sabrina, I recommend booking ASAP. She has a studio here in Macon but, of course, the majority of her time is spent in Hong Kong, so she obviously has limited booking engagements available locally.

Here is a sample of Sabrina Sikora’s work. I will include only those that I personally find most interesting, as frankly, the list is just mind boggling:
• David Yurman
• Baby Phat
• Chanel
• People Magazine
• Seventeen
• Fox and Friends (interview for     Sports Illustrated swimsuit search)
• Cartier
• Gucci (Sabrina seriously –  starting to be more than a little jealous here)

And the list goes on and on and on – this is merely the tip of the iceberg!

Now what’s even MORE interesting to me is getting Sabrina’s picks for where she goes when she is in town. She even told me that making this list made her miss home and call her mom to plan her next trip to Macon! I will include everything in her own words:

If YOU wish to be photographed by Ms. Sikora, you can go to her website for more information. I would AGAIN recommend booking quickly as she lives in Hong Kong full time but does, of course, visit her hometown and conducts work here on those visits. And if you want to shop and eat like Sabrina – well we just provided all of that for you. A big, BIG thank you to Sabrina for sharing all of this with me, even if she did make me jealous in the process! And all kidding aside, I am truly proud to say that she is one of our own.

Hello There, Cupcake  I celebrate “Cupcake Friday” and this place is my go-to spot when Friday rolls around in Macon. The butter pecan is ridiculous. I love the vanilla/vanilla, too!

Fresh Air BBQ
It’s near my house which makes this the go-to BBQ joint for me. I normally shoot from 9am-7pm when I am home with only 30 minutes for lunch. So, I run over there and grab a sandwich, stew, slaw and a large tea and get my energy revived for the next round of photo shoots!

Jim Shaw’s
Monday night oysters are a family tradition. I always get extra hush puppies and key lime pie to round out the meal. The fish tacos are pretty legit, too.

Satterfield’s BBQ
I have actually packed this in my carry on and flown it to NY with me (before the restrictions on liquids). During the holidays, when we have company rolling through, we fill up the crock pot with this and it becomes the main sustenance for our guests. It is so easy just to walk past and get a fork full on your way to the next room. I love to put the stew on my sandwiches and load them up with the mild sauce.

I remember my first fancy dinner being at Natalia’s when I was 12 years old. Since then, it has been the place for celebrations including pre-prom dinners, birthday dinners, pre-Nutcracker dinners, etc. The bread and cheese to start is unreal! I also love the service and attention to detail. The staff here is so knowledgeable, accommodating and friendly!

Ingleside Village Pizza
Grab and go dinner never tasted better especially after being on my feet all day shooting. All I need is a movie to watch with my family on the couch!

Downtown Grill
mmmmmm! Meat! I love the steaks here! They have such a great selection and are so creative with the preparations. Oh, and the desserts are worth a trip alone!

Market City Café
Big cartoony cups of cappuccino and delicious French toast. Mom and I have spent many a brunch over coffee hashing out life’s issues.

Joshua Cup
Such a great place to meet friends. I always run into people I know here and it reminds me how great it is to be from a town where I still see people I know years after I left. It always feels like coming home.

Dolce Vita
Honey Chai Latte and they are open late! I love that they give you your check in an old book.

Great if I am missing Southeast Asian cuisine. The sticky rice dessert is so good!

This Montezuma restaurant makes the best desserts I have ever eaten! My mom used to call on clients near there and would always bring me back the chocolate chip cookies.

I’ve gotten pretty good at eating with chopsticks these past 4 years in Hong Kong, so I can manage picking up the huge pieces of tempura avocado with no problems!

I love fab’rik because the clothing is adorable and nothing is over $100. I always leave here with something! The staff here is so accommodating and the space is beautifully decorated!

Ginger Michelle
They have the cutest party dresses and fun floaty tops. They also have jeans that are actually long enough for my 37’ inseam!

Karats and Keepsakes
Julie at Karats and Keepsakes is so sweet. I have known her for years and she always takes such great care of me. I love the going-out dresses that she carries and the monogrammed jewelry.

No trip to Macon is complete without a rummage session at Goodwill. My favorite is the huge one where the Old Sam’s was. I love finding crazy pieces here to spice up my wardrobe. I can get a sack full of duds for less than $20!

Ross and Marshall’s
The dresses and shoes are great! Rows and rows of mid-priced shopping. I love it! Hong Kong has tons of designer shopping and lots of street markets where you can find really cheap things but there is not a lot of mid range shops so I do most of my shopping while I am home.

I love the shoe sales there. Sometimes if I am home at the right time of year, I can catch it. Jessica Simpson shoes and the comfy Born sandals are perfect for HK. I also stock up here on the basics for my husband too.

I have huge feet and I can’t find shoes in HK. The biggest size most places carry is a 9— I am an 11 – so when I am home, I head over to DSW and stock up on gigantic heels and flats. Hong Kong has tons of hills and stairs that eat your shoes to pieces, so I am always on the hunt for the perfect pair to stand up to the streets.

Charming Charlie’s
I never leave here empty handed. They have great music and more jewelry than I could wear in a lifetime! I have long fingers and I love to load them up with big chunky gold rings. Everyone in HK asks where I find my big bobbles and I tell them. “Macon!”

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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